Traveling out of town to get some mental rest.

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Happy New month to everyone of us and happy Christmas in advance. It's just like we started 2024 yesterday. When we came into this year I was so hopefully and expecting alot from the year. This is the same with every other year because we as humans as always hopeful. The year have finally come to an end and I have been asking myself so many questions. What have this year added to me? I believe that there is always an answer to every question.


So, moving in to the topic for the week, is also another question for me and I think that I have done justice to that. At the beginning of the year I thought of having a time for myself alone. Like just going to a particular place of my choice and switch off my phone for days and just relax and sleep as long as I can. Omo, it was as if it is an impossible task to accomplish. Hahaha 😂. It sounds so funny. Because I really desired to do that and I tried to do it and it wasn't coming to pass. You know why? When we came into the year things were very very easy. If you have a little money it will be enough to solve your problems. But when we get into the middle of the year things just got out of hand. We keep making money and it is never enough. So, this is the very reason why I couldn't achieve that goal. Most of the plans I have for the year was just pushed aside and we just struggled all through the year just to keep body and soul together.

Not withstanding, I still did something little that helped me get enough rest in the month of April. That was Esther period. Though at that point the cost of commodity in the market went high and we also thought of pushing that aside too. After much consideration we decided to carry on with our plans of traveling down to the village that will allow us to have time to ourselves at least to rest. The more we make plans, the more the price of fuel get higher. But like the say, with God all things are possible. We kept pushing until we achieved our goal of moving down to the village and stayed there for two weeks.

One major thing that happened was that there was not strong network there to even allow me hive in that environment. Sometimes I will just be stranded because I want to do just one post for the day. That was how I was compelled to rest against my wish even from hiving. But aside that I really enjoyed my stay there. I don't have to think of buying and selling there. I don't have to think of what to cook when I get up in the morning. I don't even think of where to get water to use. Everything was made available for us. We were all treated like rich kids. Hahaha 😂. It's funny because my mother will not allow me to do anything that will discomfort me or her grand children. She made sure others will cook our food and all we did was just walk around the village to great people and then come back home and eat and sleep too. That two weeks was just a very good moments that was meant for my family and I to rest. We really had a very good time together with everyone in the village. At a point I started thinking of staying back in the village. But how will I get the money to pay bills? I can't even hive as I wished. That is the very reason why we need to return to the city ASAP. At least to make money.

Traveling down home was actually putting my mental health first, because of I had considered the money involved we will just stay back. But we decided to continue to move on with the journey because we know that we need the rest.

In summary, I think that this is the right thing to do for the sake of our mental health because alot of people are just falling down even while the walk in the streets and the next thing that we hear is that they are dead. But we can stop all of that by having enough time to rest and cool off so that we can come back stronger and better.
This beautiful post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 142: edition 1. " For your mental health

 3 months ago  

I admire your decision, when our mental health is affected, we shouldn't be shy to take actions and just like you that has to travel, it's a good idea.

Truly traveling out a place help the metal health...
Even while in school then , I do come home sometime just to help my metal health back.
So change of environment helps our metal.

 3 months ago  

Rest is part of work, unless we don't want to be strong enough to work the next day, it is important to find time and stay away from everything.

Whenever I find a place that seems welcoming and gives me a nice treat, I don't take it for granted. I would have said you should visit your village often but it will affect your work and the cost of transportation now is something else.

 3 months ago  

It's very good that you have had time to be alone with yourself and above all that you have been able to travel, that relaxes me too.

 3 months ago  

I am also hopeful about the going to village this year to spend Christmas, at least to rest and also visit the sea side and take some good pictures

Travelling back home to rest when my mental health was at risk was the best decision I took this year. It's always a good idea