An Approach To Dealing With A Child Who Chooses A Different Path Of Life.

in Hive Learners10 months ago


The act of parenting requires wisdom. As a parent, we are meant to guide, support, and pay a listening ear to our kids. The act of parenting entails developing your child by giving them moral values and advice not by enforcing things on them.

Many parents have lost their children to outsiders as a result of not paying a listening ear to their children. The mistake most parents make is thinking they can force their will on their children and at the end of the day such children end up becoming wayward.

I have seen several instances where a parent asks their children not to dress in some kind of way and in the end, the child does otherwise because he or she does not have a proper understanding of why he or she should not wear such dress.

Parents should ensure they have a one-on-one relationship with their children wear the child is free enough to tell his/her parent anything without the fear of being condemned or rebuked. Correction should be done in love not by condemning the child. Once a child is condemned without being correct in love, you end up shutting up the child forever, such a child would rather choose to confined in an outsider rather than his or her parent which is dangerous.

I remember while I was in 200l during my undergraduate program, I had a boyfriend I was dating. During vacation, I traveled home and mum was asking me if I had a boyfriend, I joyfully said yes. I was expecting her to guide or advise me as regards to relationship but the opposite was done. She asked me to call the guy, I was so excited to put the call through to him not knowing my mum wanted to insult the guy, she said a lot of insulting words to him, and I was really embarrassed. After the call she then bounced on me, I regretted ever telling her I had a boyfriend and after the incident, I promised myself never to tell her anything about my relationship again.

When issues are not handled with care and wisdom, they can go out of hand, which might grew worse at the end of the day.


When I notice a change in a child, especially in a negative way. I will have a hearty conversation with him/her, try to understand him/her from his/her perspective then I will guide such a child on the reason why he/her have to change from such an act. I will try as much as possible never to allow my emotions to get the best of me in other to handle the issue properly and carefully.

In case the child switch to another religion, I won't disown such a child. I would let such a child see the reason why he or she needs to reconsider to the religion I brought him or her up with. If such a child did not change I will keep praying and showing such child love. Through love, I might win such a child over. Never will I enforce my will on him or her. This same approach will I also adopt even when there is moral, cultural, or any form of change the child might experience. I believe patience is the key when correction is done in love.


Thanks for reading.....

 10 months ago  

Very funny and heartbreaking. Why would you tell your mum about your relationship. well, I guess you expected a better response which of course you shouldn't have at all😂.

You're right, corrections and reasons make the whole taming meaningful to the child because they get to know why they shouldn't do such a thing.

 10 months ago  

Yes ooo, It was embarassing...😂😂😂

 10 months ago  

Lolz, something I wonder why Nigerian parents aren't different from parents abroad who welcome their children lover and even get to know them.

I don't blame our parents and they are just being protective. Having a good relationship with our kids can help us detect things and we can act swiftly to prevent and catastrophe from happening.

 10 months ago  

You are right💯... Thanks for stoping by