in Hive Learnerslast year (edited)


Success they say has many uncles, Aunties and other relatives. But failure or hardship? It has no brother.
A brother is not only related to you by blood but someone born for a time when there is distress. How sad it is to see that when a person is going through hardship or tough times, He/She in most cases hardly see anyone to be there. No one licks your lip for you. You lick it yourself. But when you are succeeding, people would be ready to even wipe your ass after using the toilet.

Everyone face one tough time or the other. Some last long, while some, for a short while. There was, a time in my life when things were rosy for my family. Then, we had many friends, neighbors, fellow worshippers all around us- friendly, helpful and willing to assist in one way or the other. We were happy to help them with their finances too. Some, we even helped to pay school fees for their kids.

But, somehow, things became financially hard, so hard that we almost could not feed. That was the year Banks downsized their workers and Hubby was affected. I was working in a private establishment and the salary was nothing to write home about. Those whom we thought we had saved a righteous riches with, were no where to be found any longer. Even those he had lent money weren't picking his calls.

Unfortunately, I had begun my masters program before then. Amidst the hardship, I managed to finish the course work but I just couldn't cope with the thesis. At first, I thought I could still joggle my Thesis into our financial stress. I did the thesis proposal, where I delivered a seminar in front of my lecturers and some students, explaining what it was about. But I couldn't go further.

I tried to see if I could ask for help from friends, but they said they had nothing. One who was happy to hear that I was running my masters program commended me. In his words, he said "Good!. I have always said it that you haven't reached your potential. Running a masters program is very good". I was happy that I found a helper at last. At least that was what I thought.

But when he heard that he might be the one to borrow me money to complete it, he said he has 100 times more than the money I require. But he is not going to remove a dime from it. In his words, he said "I have a big house I have been saving to buy. I am not ready to take a dime out of the money. Please find a way to finish your masters all the same. It is important you finish up! ".

I was so upset and discouraged. I had no help, not even from family members and that was how my masters program was put to a halt.

Hubby moved to a town with better opportunities and after much struggle,he got another job and things became better gradually. I had to stay alone with the kids and simplified our lives. I found a trade to engage in to augment my earnings and somehow we managed to get by.

When things got better, I tried to go back to School but I learnt that I had to pay nothing less than 500k before I would be allowed to resume back and finish my thesis.

The experience made me stronger not to rely on anyone to help with my case. I only trust in God and struggle to make things better for myself and family.

It has also taught me to help others
but not to expect any help in return. Some humans will always run away when there is trouble.

Additionally, it gave me insight about whom my true friends are. During that stressful times, new acquaintances rallied round us in their little way . But those whom we had taken up their responsibilities as ours, who were always in our house eating, drinking, borrowing money to support their Business or children's school never picked our calls. Rather than helping, one even asked why I allowed my Husband to leave town all in search of a better job. He implied that I may lose him to other women but survival was topmost on my mind. Thank God they are still alive to see how God has been Faithful.

The current situation in Nigeria is crazy but I give God the glory that we have survived and keep surviving, I do not think of going back for the masters any more except if I have a way of travelling abroad. But without the Masters, I have developed myself in my chosen career and keep learning to be the best I can be to stay relevant in my field.

Things happen to teach us lessons and to help us see that there is nothing we have that we did not receive from God. It is not by our might that we are succeeding. Tough times should make us to be more trusting in God's saving power.

Thanks @hivelearners community. It was nice to talk on the tough past to help us appreciate the present and look to the future with a bright hope.

Thanks guys for stopping by.

Truly yours,

Image source here edited with photo editor app

 last year  

he said he has 100 times more than the money I require. But he is not going to remove a dime from it. In his words, he said "I have a big house I have been saving to buy.

Can you see the heart of human? So because you have a big house, he can't give you the money... Human beings and competitive lifestyle...

I see tough time as a phases that passes by and like you said, trusting God in our tough time can save the day for us..he never fails and I must say that you are a tough woman indeed, despite how friends didn't turn up for you guys during your most difficult moments including those you helped in the past, you still stood strong and overcame
I believe today is better than yesterday and it will continue to be better.. hopefully you will get to finish up your masters someday

 last year  

He said he himself has a big house he wanted to buy. I was only quoting him. But thank God that men are not God. We survived and we will continue to survive like you have rightly prayed. Tjough times happen to open our eyes to somethings we never may have known. Thanks, Sis for stopping by. I appreciate your comment.

This your experience is the irony of life. When there is money and things are Rosy, you'll have multiple friends but when there is seemingly nothing, you become like one with leprosy, alone and abandoned.

Thank God you guys scaled through and recoverd, this is a testament to God's goodness and faithfulness.

When I experience things like this, I tend to become wiser and set out boundaries, so that those who looked down on me when I was in my low state, will not find easy access to me when I bounce back.

 last year  

Hahaha, they will always come back . And the funny thing is that you may not be able to resist them again, only that you are wiser and will help discreetly. No need going extra mile for those not deserving.
How are you doing, Sis?

Me I will resist o but true doing good pays.

I'm doing alright ma, thank you so much. Trust you're doing great as well.

 last year  

Oh @adoore-eu, I am really sorry for your family had to go through in times of distress. I am glad this experience had left a lesson to always help and don't expect anything in return.

I read somewhere that humans are always ready and eager to repay an injury than a benefit. Why? To them, gratitude is a burden and revenge is a pleasure.

All the same, I am happy to hear your family is well taken care of now. I do hope you will get the chance to do your masters as you yearn in your heart to complete it. I wish you all the best ma'am.

 last year (edited) 

Thank you so much for your kind words. Life doesnt always turn out the way we assume it to be but everything happens to shapen us. I am glad too that it was in the past, and yes, one day I will have my masters if need be and if God wills. Thanks so much dear.