Hi everybody,
Today I want to tell you about my graduation day.
Graduation is certainly the happiest day for all students. Because from the first time I entered college until today it is not an easy thing, of course. Many things go through, every day is filled with tasks, be it assignments in the campus room or assignments that go directly to the field.
In addition, it must be supported by sufficient finance, one of which is at the turn of the semester, having to pay a lot of tuition fees.
Even though I wasn't born into a rich family. But I am very grateful because I was able to finish my studies on time, with satisfactory grades. You can imagine the feeling of me and my parents, very happy, definitely touched.
That morning I went alone to campus riding a motorcycle. When I got there the security guard immediately directed me to the parking lot to park my vehicle. I took a toga, and wore it complete with a hat. Don't forget the face covering, because in my country there is a corona virus or covid-19. So we graduates and graduates are required to wear face coverings for the safety and security of all.
Then I entered the room, there were a lot of graduates and graduates, each sitting on a chair that had been provided according to the sequence number. I got serial number 112.
When I was in that room, I started to have mixed feelings, excited, happy, and also touched to be in a room filled with great people.
The event has been going on for about 3 hours. The event was over, my friends and I left the room, in front of the room my friend and I started taking pictures. Took some photos for us to capture.
Then I walked out to the parking lot, it turned out that there was already my mother and my best friend named Sabliati. Turns out my mom went with him. Judging from the look on my mother's face, I was touched and happy. She shed happy tears. I don't know what's going on in my mother's mind. Maybe the same as what I feel with mixed feelings. After taking pictures with my mother and best friend, not long after, my two brothers also arrived there. We keep taking pictures.
Then I was surprised by two of my friends who were also wearing toga. Because during the event they did not meet me, because the serial number was far away. finally they came to me, and took a picture together as a memento.
My two friends are very good, we have been friends since 4 years ago, when we were new students.
The one on my right is called Eva and the one on the left is called Siska.
The weather was quite hot that day, so we decided to take a break while enjoying lunch. But suddenly I got a message from my best friend named Santi if she wanted to meet me. I'm glad he could be present on my happy day.
We were waiting for his arrival. It took him about 30 minutes to get there. It turned out that he was not the only one present, there were two more of my friends, Rahma and Rosna.
They brought me gifts. Then we took a photo together for us to capture this most beautiful moment.
After taking a group photo, we went to a restaurant to have lunch together. After that we went back to our respective homes.
When I got home I took pictures of the gifts they gave me .
I am very happy, I am surrounded by good parents, good brother, good family and even best friends.
That's all from me, thank you for reading my story.