Hey! not so fast. ⚡⚡

in Hive Learners2 years ago


Hello to all my dear friends, once again, a subject that comes as a glove, because not long ago I learned a super important lesson in my life, which is actually taking a while for me to take as a habit, but it is necessary to change in my life because since I've been putting this habit into practice I'm doing much better and I don't stress as much as before and I've even stopped suffering from anxiety attacks because of it, so you can understand why I'm going to summarize the story a bit.
For those who have been reading me before, they will know that I worked in a field in a town called Mocun, the work there was a bit heavy and demanding, since due to weather factors, sometimes it was not possible to go out because of the rain because it was very dangerous. In addition to the animals that went out after it rained, so sometimes when it rained and we had the opportunity to go out to collect the resin from the trees, the bosses put a lot of pressure on us, so much so that they told us that whoever collected the most would get commissions , this to recover the days not worked, so that the work became a competition and in many situations we did things so quickly that we did not have time to react to errors, we slipped, we cut ourselves, we did not check the trees well in search of of some animal that could harm us, even running into poison ivy of which there was a lot.
This pressure to do things fast was consuming me, since I even woke up with an adrenaline rush ready to practically run, and as you know now that I live in a city, I got a job in a restaurant, and well here I have been given the opportunity to learn machismo, because when I was starting out, due to the previous work experience that I told you about, I arrived wanting to do everything super fast and that all the dishes that I prepared had to come out in a certain time, this caused me many problems, because sometimes it was Things, utensils, fell a lot, sometimes I broke the loaves because I wanted to prepare them so quickly, until my boss, who is so cute and beautiful, calls me aside and tells me "Angel... sometimes we have to take things more calmly, everything has its due time, and wanting to do everything quickly sometimes makes us clumsy and doesn't give us time to react to any mistake, if we do each thing respecting its time, it won't be 100% perfect but it will get better and better".
Definitely, this marked me a lot, since the truth is that I came with that mental rush of wanting to do everything quickly, and the truth is that this was a life lesson that I will always carry with me, sometimes we need to do things very quickly, but we have to stop a bit to detail and not act on autopilot, because sometimes we are ignoring many important things that even happen around us.
Today, thank God, I have improved a lot, I no longer make so many mistakes in the kitchen, and I have also put it into practice in my life, giving myself the time to reason a little and enjoy each moment, and learning is that, taking the things more calmly and enjoy things.

And what lessons did you have for your whole life?



Hola a todos queridos amigos una vez más, un tema que viene como anillo al dedo, porque no hace mucho aprendí una lección súper importante en mi vida, que la verdad me está costando un poco tomar como habito, pero que es necesario cambiar en mi vida porque desde que he estado poniendo en práctica este hábito me está yendo mucho mejor y no me estreso tanto como antes e incluso he dejado de sufrir ataques de ansiedad por eso, para que puedan entender el porqué les voy a resumir un poco del cuento.
Para los que me vienen leyendo desde antes sabrán que trabaje en un campo de un pueblo llamado Mocun, allí el trabajo era un poco pesado y exigente, ya que por factores del clima a veces no se podía salir por la lluvia porque era muy peligroso, a demás de los animales que salían después de llover, entonces a veces cuando llovía y teníamos la oportunidad de salir a colectar la resina de los árboles, los jefes nos metían mucha presión, tanto así que nos decían que el que más colecte se llevaba comisiones, esto para recuperar los días no trabajados, por lo que el trabajo se convertía en una competencia y en muchas situaciones hacíamos las cosas tan rápidas que no daba tiempo de reaccionar a los errores, resbalábamos, nos cortábamos, no revisábamos bien los árboles en busca de algún animal que pudiese hacernos daño, incluso toparnos con hiedra venenosa el cual había bastante.
Esta presión por hacer las cosas rápidas me estaba consumiendo, ya que hasta me levantaba con una adrenalina dispuesto prácticamente a correr, y como saben ahora que vivo en una ciudad, conseguí un trabajo en un restaurante, y bueno aquí se me ha dado la oportunidad de aprender machismo, pues cuando estaba empezando, debido a la experiencia laboral anterior que les hable, llegue queriendo hacer todo súper rápido y que todos los platos que preparaba tenían que salir en un determinado tiempo, esto me causo muchos problemas, pues a veces hacía caer mucho las cosas, los utensilios, a veces quebraba los panes de lo rápido que quería prepararlos, hasta que mi jefa, tan linda y hermosa me llama aparte y me dice “Ángel… a veces nos tenemos que tomar las cosas con más calma, todo tiene su debido tiempo, y querer hacer todo rápido a veces nos hace torpes y no nos da tiempo de reaccionar a cualquier error, si hacemos cada cosa respetando su tiempo, no saldrá 100% perfecto pero sí cada vez mejor".
Definitivamente, esto me marco muchísimo, ya que la verdad es que venía con esa prisa mental de querer hacer toso rápido, y la verdad ese fue una lección de vida que llevaré siempre conmigo, a veces necesitamos hacer cosas muy rápidas, pero tenemos que detenernos un poco a detallar y no actuar en piloto automático, pues a veces estamos obviando muchas cosas importantes que incluso pasan a nuestro alrededor.
Hoy día gracias a dios he mejorado mucho, ya no cometo tantos errores en la cocina, y también lo he puesto en práctica en mi vida, dándome el tiempo de razonar un poco y disfrutar de cada momento, y el aprendizaje es eso, tomar las cosas con más calma y disfrutar las cosas.

¿Y a ustedes, qué lecciones le quedaron para toda la vida?

traducido con google.com / translated with google.com
Imagenes creadas en Canva / Images created in Canva.


sometimes we have to take things more calmly, everything has its due time, and wanting to do everything quickly sometimes makes us clumsy and doesn't give us time to react to any mistake,

I completely agree with this. Our calm mind has to lead our words, decisions and actions ;)

I would like to use the opportunity to suggest you one thing... You know, I am not Spanish so I will write to you in English to explain, but I see that you have some very long sentences in Spanish (which I do understand)

So, why don't you try to format a bit your sentences? I don't mean a high artistic level of writing like professional writers, but just structuring a bit the phrases and paragraphs. It will be easier to read and also make your post more attractive ;)

Just a suggestion, you can or you don't have to accept it ;)


 2 years ago  

Hi, of course I'll take your advice, the idea is to be a little better every day! I will be more attentive, greetings!

Yes, it is indeed the best approach, that we improve every day.

Greetings and a good weekend to you 👋

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