How I remenber school ❤️🎭 - Como recuerdo la escuela ❤️🎭

in Hive Learnerslast year

Once again I greet all those who are part of the hive leaners community, this week a very interesting topic, for me it is a very important topic, as for almost everyone, because school is one of the most beautiful stages for The one we spent, particularly, was like everything, there were moments that I enjoyed as others that I did not.


I tell them that I studied in a public school, because in my country it is almost impossible to pay for a private school, it is very expensive. In addition, the country situation did not allow it.
I think that I enjoyed a lot at that time, so much so that I sincerely miss almost all that stage of my life, this made it easier for my teachers, who were literally a love with all the students, because they were always patient, loving and above all respectful.

There are many anecdotes like this that I will tell you, literally today I remember and I wonder what will become of those so innocent people who made the day to day at school very beautiful.
I remember that every day on my way to school, which was a bit far from home, I always found a girl, I honestly don't remember her name hahaha, but I can remember exactly what she was like. The story is that we literally bumped into each other exactly when she crossed our path, so much so that sometimes she missed school and I was very upset about not seeing her as usual.

Literally, like almost every child when he saw her, he greeted her, the first times she didn't reciprocate, she only saw me hahaha. As the days went by, our confidence increased, because every day we talked until we got to school.
This makes me laugh because one day we were on our way to school and since we were already so close that our hands touched and literally not hers, but I was excited, I liked it, I remember that one day the hand rubbing happened again , we both saw each other's faces and laughed, ha ha ha.

The next day I was very anxious about what she would say to me, and literally that happened, she asked me that friends could hold hands, so we agreed that from that moment on we would go to school holding hands, That made me feel so good with her, but since not all stories have happy endings, situations were happening that little by little separated us, and this is the ruinous part of the school's history.

It turns out that when we got to school everyone looked at us strangely, as if with an impression, that two children were holding hands, and well, until one day a school teacher called us and asked us both if we were boyfriend, this in front of several classmates, literally my face and hers were shocking and we looked at each other, because at least something like that did not happen in my mind, in my innocence we were just friends and she also thought so.

Until then, everything began to turn different, because sometimes we held hands with mistrust, there were even times when we didn't, and as if that were not enough, I remember one day when we literally walked through the door and all our classmates They formed a mess shouting, Ángel and (I don't remember her name, it was complicated and a lot has happened, I'll call her María) María, they are a boyfriend!… This made us very uncomfortable, so much so that she no longer wanted to be with me, which was a situation that It hurt a lot, but I remember it as a beautiful experience.
Sometimes I would like to repeat those moments and do things differently, but that's life, sometimes it's not how we want it to be.

And well, to continue on the subject I tell you that school is literally an important part of our training, I personally enjoyed it and learned a lot with my teachers in public schools. Clearly, there are pros and cons of the school, the difference between the services and the level of education is very evident, as the type of education that is experienced in schools also changes a lot, it is very noticeable, I think that families should give more importance to education at home, and not believing that people are educated in a school, that is the change that I would propose today, education in my country is literally deplorable, of very poor quality, today's students already want Being gang leaders and looking for easy money to be able to cope with the country situation, it is sad what Venezuela still suffers.

And well friends, I hope you like my experience and point of view. And I hope I can continue to contribute my crazy stories with you. Hahaha see you soon!


Una vez más saludo a todos los que forman parte de la comunidad de hive leaners, esta semana un tema muy interesante, para mí es un tema muy importante, como para casi todo el mundo, pues la escuela es una de las etapas más bonitas por la que pasamos, particularmente fue como todo, hubo momentos que disfrute como otros que no tanto.


Les cuento que estudie en una escuela pública, pues en mi país se hace casi imposible poder pagar una escuela privada, es muy caro. A demás que la situación país no lo permitía.
Creo que fue mucho lo que disfrute en ese entonces, tanto que sinceramente extraño casi toda esa etapa de mi vida, esto lo hizo más fácil mis profesoras, que literalmente eran un amor con todos los estudiantes, pues siempre fueron pacientes, amorosas y sobre todo respetuoso.

Hay muchas anécdotas como esta que les contaré, literalmente hoy me acuerdo y me pregunto que será de esas personas tan inocentes que hacían muy lindo el día a día de la escuela.
Recuerdo que todos los días camino a la escuela, la cual me quedaba un poco apartada de casa, siempre me encontraba una niña, que sinceramente no recuerdo el nombre jajajá, pero si logro acordarme de como era ella exactamente. El cuento es que literalmente nos topábamos exactamente cuando se nos juntaba el camino, tanto así que a veces ella faltaba a la escuela y me entrañaba mucho no verla como siempre.

Literalmente, como casi todo niño cuando la veía la saludaba, las primeras veces ella no correspondía, solo me veía jajajá, Tras el pasar de los días iba aumentando nuestra confianza, pues todos los días hablábamos hasta llegar a la escuela.
Esto me da risas porque un día íbamos camino a la escuela y como éramos ya tan cercana que se rozaban nuestras manos y literalmente no de ella, pero a mí me emocionaba, me gustaba, recuerdo que un día que ocurrió de nuevo el roce de manos, los dos nos vimos las caras y reímos, ja, ja, ja.

Al otro día yo estaba muy ansioso por lo que me diría, y literalmente eso pasó, ella me planteo que los amigos se podían tomar de la mano, por lo que acordamos que a partir de ese momento iríamos tomados de la mano a la escuela, eso me hacía sentir tan bien con ella, pero como no todas las historias son con finales felices, fueron aconteciendo situaciones que poco a poco nos fue separando, y esto es la parte ruin de la historia de la escuela.

Resulta que cuando llegábamos a la escuela todos nos veían raro, como con una impresión, de que dos niños fueran tomados de la mano, y bueno, hasta que un día una maestra de la escuela nos llamó y nos preguntó a los dos si nosotros éramos novio, esto delante de varios compañeritos, literalmente mi cara y la de ella fue de impresión y nos miramos uno al otro, pues al menos por mi mente no pasaba algo así, en mi inocencia solo éramos amigos y ella también lo pensaba así.

Hasta allí todo se empezó a tornar diferente, pues a veces nos tomábamos de la mano con desconfianza, incluso hubo veces que no lo hacíamos, y por si eso fuese poco, recuerdo un día en el que literalmente entramos por la puerta y todos nuestros compañeritos formaron un desorden gritando, Ángel y (no recuerdo su nombre era complicado y ha pasado mucho, la llamaré María) María son novio!… esto nos incomodó muchísimo, tanto así que ella ya no quería estar junto ami, lo cual fue una situación que me dolió mucho, pero lo recuerdo como una experiencia bonita.
A veces quisiera repetir esos momentos y hacer las cosas diferentes, pero así es la vida, a veces no es como queremos.

Y bueno, para seguir en el tema les digo que la escuela literalmente es parte importante para nuestra formación, personalmente disfrute y aprendí mucho junto a amis profesores en escuelas públicas. Claramente, existen pro y contras de la escuela es muy evidente la diferencia entre los servicios y nivel de educación, como también cambia muchísimo el tipo de educación que se vive en las escuelas, es muy notorio, creo que las familias deberían darle más importancia a la educación en casa, y no creer que las personas se educan en una escuela, ese es el cambio que yo propondría hoy en día, literalmente la educación en mi país es deplorable, de muy mala calidad, los estudiantes de hoy en día ya quieren ser es jefes de pandillas y buscar dinero fácil para poder sobrellevar la situación país, es triste lo que sufre aún Venezuela.

Y bueno amigos, espero les guste mi experiencia y punto de vista. Y espero poder, seguir aportando junto a ustedes mis historias locas. ¡Jajajá hasta pronto!

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 last year  

That was a really lovely experience...

It's so sad when things like this separate friends who because friends out of innocence... but when they've been exposed to impure thoughts, it changes how they ase themselves.

But, life is life... we continue to move on!

 last year  

greetings friend, I also think that sometimes people cannot help but see situations in the worst way, only we can correct those errors avoiding them to be repeated, greetings!

 last year  

I agree with your statement, school is indeed very important for our development, even though there are many things that happen there we as students must be ready to enjoy this, and it's true as you say, to get enough knowledge, we can't just study at school , but we also need the role of parents as teachers at home

 last year  

That's right friend, infinitely grateful for the education that my parents could give me, although I still need to mature, from home they did a good job. And that is very important.

Here I think the teacher made a huge mistake, calling you both out in front of the class. They know how kids can be and an event like this can trigger bullying easily. This case should have been dealt with privately.

As about public and private school, in my country almost everyone goes to public school. Most likely there are private schools as well, but in 99% of the cases, that is out of the question, there's no need for that.

 last year  

greetings, I honestly do not believe that this was the teacher's purpose, but I still hope that today she handles this type of situation better, because what generated this situation was sad. I believe that we will live our experiences and life lessons no matter where we are. that's what it's all about. ❤️

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