The crystal boy. ✨🌈 🙅👑

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello dear community, a cordial greeting to all its members, today I join in starting the week with this incredible challenge that they present to us today, to bring to life a fictional place or character, the truth is a challenge with infinite possibilities that I loved writing and I hope you like it, let's start!


cover created in canva

Steven Universe The Crystal Boy

I think many of us know this incredible animated series known as "Steven Universe" that presents us with the story of a semi-human boy, semi-because his mother is a being from another planet who belongs to a race known as the crystal gems, a race which is characterized by having as the core of its body and powers a gem that defines its identity.

Of this race, we are not only introduced to Steven but to many other gems that both villains and friends are unique and special, among the most outstanding we have those that would form Steven's family who are:

  • Garnet: It is a fusion between two gems, Sapphire and Ruby, a fusion that makes it very powerful since it takes the best of each gem and unites it, the strength and fire of Ruby, with calm, the power to see the future and Sapphire's cold, make her the leader and strongest of the group.

  • Pearl: A gem that is characterized by being extremely orderly and dedicated, she is super protective and intelligent which makes her a very good guide in the team.

  • Amethyst: A slightly messy and scandalous gem, but a very good friend and dedicated, she always gives her best when it comes to her loved ones, there are no limits that stop her.

Now let's talk about that character that I would bring to life, Steven, this incredible guy for me would be a dream to meet him in real life and I know he would quickly become one of my friends since we are very similar in personality and growth staff respects. In addition, it would be incredible to see in person his protective powers creating shields and his healing powers that are another level, perfectly representing his personality.


drawing of my authorship!

Steven is an innocent boy full of goodness who believes in the good of other people and even if they are bad he believes that they can change, he represents for me the innocence that a world full of malice needs right now, part of his personal growth is reflected in this, a moment in which he had to decide how to face the adversity of life, he always taking the necessary path but without leaving aside his ideals, something that I loved and with which I identify a lot with what Regarding this character.

I know that it may not come true to be able to bring this type of fictional characters to reality, but if something is true, it is that from whatever reality they are characters that teach us a lot and help us grow as a person, since in their fantasy world they equally reflect all the daily problems that we face on a day-to-day basis.

I hope you like my participation and also feel encouraged to share with everyone what that character would be that you would like to meet in real life!

  • Spanish Version

Hola querida comunidad, un saludo cordial a todos sus miembros, hoy me uno iniciando la semana a este increíble reto que nos presentan hoy, traer a la vida un lugar o personaje ficticio, la verdad un reto con infinidad de posibilidades que me encantó redactar y que espero les guste, comencemos!


Steven Universe El chico de Cristal

Creo que muchos conocemos está increíble sería animada conocida como "Steven Universe" que nos presenta la historia de un chico semi humano, semi porque la madre de el es un ser de otro planeta que pertenece a una raza conocida como las gemas de cristal, raza que se caracteriza por tener como núcleo de su cuerpo y poderes una gema que define su identidad.

De esta raza no solo se nos presenta a Steven si no a muchas otras gemas que tanto villanas como amigas son únicas y especiales, entre las más resaltante tenemos a las que formarían la familia de Steven quienes son:

  • Garnet: Es una fusión entre dos gemas, Zafiro y Rubí, fusión que la hace muy poderosa ya que toma lo mejor de cada gema y lo une, la fuerza y fuego de Rubí, con el calma, el poder de ver el futuro y el frío de Zafiro, la hacen la líder y más fuerte del grupo.

  • Perla: Una gema que se caracteriza por ser sumamente ordenada y dedicada, es súper protectora e inteligente la cual la hacen una muy buena guía en el equipo.

  • Amatista: Una gema un poco desordenada y escandalosa, pero muy buena amiga y dedicada, siempre da lo mejor cuando se trata de sus seres queridos no hay límites que la detengan.

Ahora hablemos de ese personaje que traería a la vida real, Steven, este increíble chicho para mí sería un sueño poder conocerlo en la vida real y se que se convertiría rápidamente en uno de mis amigos ya que somos muy parecidos en lo que personalidad y crecimiento personal respecta. Además que sería increíble ver en persona sus poderes protectores creando escudos y sus poderes sanatorios que son otro nivel representando perfectamente su personalidad.


drawing of my authorship!

Steven es un chico inocente y lleno de bondad que cree en el bien de las demás personas y aunque sean malas el cree que pueden cambiar, el representa para mi la inocencia que necesita en este momentos un mundo lleno de malicia, parte de su crecimiento personal se ve reflejado en esto, momento en los que el tenía que decidir cómo enfrentar la adversidad de la vida, el siempre tomando el camino necesario pero sin dejar de lado sus ideales, algo que me encantó y con lo que me identifico mucho con lo que respecta a este personaje.

Se que quizás no se haga realidad poder traer este tipo de personajes ficticios a la realidad, pero si algo es cierto es que desde la realidad que sea son personajes que nos enseñan mucho y ayudan a crecer como persona, ya que en su mundo de fantasía reflejan igual todos los problemas cotidianos que se nos presenta en el día a día.

Espero les guste mi participación y también se animen a compartir con todos cuál sería ese personaje que les gustaría conocer en la vida real!

 2 years ago  

I love this guy already, although I haven't come across that series yet. Anyone who is focused on the good of the society without descrimination is God sent. With such person in our world, I can't imagine how many sick people would be healed of their incurable ailments. Those who have no money and need medical attention can also have the opportunity to be freed from their diseases. If that guy would come to real life then, a lot of lives would be saved

 2 years ago  

Very true, I know that Steven would heal everyone he could without thinking twice, since even his worst enemies who tried to destroy him he has healed because for him to help those who need it.

 2 years ago  

Wow!! Now i wish you really had the ability to bring Steven here. The world needs people like him.

 2 years ago  

I don't know this guy but reading through your post makes me want to bring him to life as well.

Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago  

I know that everyone would love to meet Steven and have him in real life, without a doubt a character worthy of much appreciation!

It's very interesting that you want to meet a character. You described him nicely and the drawing is good as well.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your comment, and so I couldn't stay without drawing one of my favorite characters!

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 2 years ago  

Wao that's super amazing, the character is really unique.
It's hard to find someone with such goodness presently, so having this character real life is a big deal.
Nice drawing.