Hello everyone its a privilege to blog my suggestion about how crypto can be convenient for the populace.
It's indeed a progressive journey so far for the digital currency (Crypto) it has only gotten better since it started and the professionalism, technicality, behind this digital concept has attracted the crème de la crème.
I also admired the ability to stand it ground against all odds to become the food for thought in the world
So you understand why i say it's a privilege for me to blog better ways we can make it accessible to the novice, populace, and the rural communities because as far as I am concerned this initiative has come to help both the rich and the poor
My ideas on making crypto easier and better for everyone
First before we can give solutions and suggestions we need to understand how this system operates so as to give an adequate and accurate analysis and proffer a better suggestion.
- first we must understand that this technology requires the highest level of psu (power supply unit) to be efficient. We have millions mining every second of the day, which determines the price value.
that's why we experience a rise and fall in the crypto market this boils down to insufficient psu that can accommodate all miners and sustain the crypto farm.
Note we must understand the higher the price the more miners it attract.
Solution & suggestion to better the future of crypto
Understanding the block chain principles and it's major challenge and the damage is has caused in the eco system due to the amount of energy it consumes it was analysed that it releases 40million tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere a year hmmm🤐 which is speedily contributing to climate destruction and we know what that means.
- first the must cut down on the outrageous consumption of PSU & generate it own means of PSU with the help of solar and building a solar farm that can generate the capacity of energy needed.
Except this is done first and fore most I doubt the future of crypto
For the best and brighter future of crypto negative odds should be tackled so it is important to tackle this issue
Digital currency is the safest, reliable, best and trusted means of transaction.
Hmm... this is a factor I had not considered yet. The dangers that mining crypto poses to the world at large. But then, there will be ways to be able to make it work in an eco-friendly way. It is all only a matter of time.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
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Yea the only solution is to generate psu from solar am sure that will help the us has started contributing solar panels to help
Noted and rectified sir
I'm afraid not. The link to the first image also shows that it's an Istock photo, and that is not a free site.
How can i remove it
How can i take it out?
Just make use of another picture from Pixabay or Unsplash, that would be best.
Done thank you