An unforgettable new year celebration

in Hive Learners2 years ago


Compliment of the season to everyone. I am so delighted to able to witness a new year. The previous year was quite a lot though. It came with its lessons and blessings and I guess that is what life is all about in the first place. Our experiences that we term blessings and lessons. It was wonderfulnin its own way.

Now, a new year, like within a blink f an eye between 11:59pm and 0:00 on the 31st of December 2022, it a new year, 2023. How wonderful!

I didn't do or plan to do a lot for the cross over or celebration. I have several kind of unique cross overs and celebrations in the past. Although most of friend said they were going to have quite dramatic crossover nights, because of one or two things they have been through in 2022.

Come to think of it, we always go through one thing or the other everytime, we just always hope for the best.

Enough of the preamble and let me get to the point, which is the best new year celebration I have had since I was born till now. Well, let me not say since I was born because I have no realization of what's going on around me when I was still a baby.

I will go for the time frame 2002-2022. I think that will work. The cross over year between 2019-2020 before covid-19 drama.

This year will be the best so far because it was quite different from our usual way we celebrate new year in the family. Most times, what we do is cooking, having guests over and sharing food with the neighbors. Trust me, this routine is always so stressful but I am always happy because its a celebration.

I celebrate new year with my parents and some relatives. My immediate family live in different state from my parent, so we do not always celebrate together physically, just sending greetings on the phone.

But this particular year, everyone came around. When I said everyone, I meant all my immediate siblings came with their family. So it was a full house and a big gathering. The joy of seeing everyone was immeasurable.

An additional thing that made the new year celebration more fun than the previous ones I have been having was that, we actually went out as a family to an amusement park. The reason being that we now have a lot of grandchildren in the family. So what would make them enjoy themselves more will be giving them what they love to do best.

We all went to the amusement park and luckily for us, it was a new park with a lot things for children to play with.

Even the view was pleasing to me as an adult. There was the train, carousel, roller coaster, bouncy castle and many more that I do not know their names.

It was a fun day out with everyone in the family.

I look forward to having fun like this or more for new year celebration, and I bet the kids would have an interesting essay to write in school on how they spent their holiday that year.

Thank you for reading.