Crime scene in broad daylight

in Hive Learners2 years ago


Welcome to another edition of the hive learners contest. On today's week and edition, I will be talking about a crime scene that I have witnessed. I am going to share stories of crime scenes, so it is not going to be just one.

Back I'm my undergraduate years. It was a common thing for people's items or properties to be stolen during exam times. Why? This is because as an examinee(if there is a word like that) or let me use candidates or students writing the exam, we all drop our bags outside the hall. Some people drop them with people they know or secured stores, just to be prevent stories that touch. Stories that touch in the sense of wailing or crying due to their items, especially phones and money stolen.

This particular day, I could not really remember the course we were writing that day. All we could hear was a loud noise outside, accompanied by the sound of a hot slap.

This distracted slot of people. We were all wondering what could have happened. As the situation proceeds, that was when we got to know that, a guy was trying to steal people's phones and money from their bags. Until he was caught by one of our lecturers. I bet he never knew the lecturer was coming and sighting someone's presence threw him off. He was taken to the security division for further disciplinary action. That ended there.

Another that happened, although not in my presence was recently. It happened to someone I know In fact I was part of the people trying to calm the situation. What happened? Impersonating someone is also a criminal offense. This happened in the bank. Like the person took advantage of the situation and a lot of people fell victim.

This is how the story goes. This person I know was in the bank trying to pay her tuition fees. There were a lot of people in the bank that day and the queue was endless. Unluckily for her, she fell into the set already frustrated people.

After a moment, someone approached them, dressing coperately. He asked them what the problem was. They all chorused their problem. The guy, to them, he seemed like a bank official. So he offered to pay in their money for them at the deposit room in the bank. As in they all assumed he was a bank official.

One by one, they all gave him their money together with their tellers, so he can do as he offered to do i.e. to pay in their money for them.

Fifteen minutes gone, no sign of the man anywhere, 30minutes, nothing. 45 minutes, they were running out of patient. It was after an hour they all started suspecting and realizing what has happened to them. The man was no where to be found. They all started looking for the man as if they were playing hide and seek.

At this point, they have drawn the attention of everyone in the banking hall. They explained themselves to the security men in the bank and they replied that they do not have any personnel that collects money from customers in the bank.

They were all shocked and now fully aware of the situation. They have been duped. It was a painful experience for the victims and a lesson to all.

 2 years ago  

When I was in school, I never took my bag or phones to school during examination because of cases like this. I have heard and seen many of this then and for me to not be a victim, I would have read enough at home while I go to school with my pen and other writing materials. In fact, I don't take money because I know I won't be staying long in school.

For the bank case, I can never give my money to anyone in the bank even if it's a security or personnel. The people really made a big mistake. Sorry for them though but they have learnt their lessons in the hard way.

 2 years ago  

A big and painful lesson at that. Thanks for engaging

 2 years ago  

Anytime I go to the bank I only allow the person behind the counter to attend to me and not just anyone.

 2 years ago  

It is very essential oo. Thanks for engaging