The Hive internal market is a great platform for traders who want to continue their trading profession, as there is no fee commission here. If someone wants to trade in the Hive/USDT pair, then the internal market is a great platform to save on trading fees.
Every trader wish is to pay least trading fee so that they maximize their win percentage. One thing to keep in mind that minimum trading fee will help you execute your trades in more easy way and also you will have a chance to increase your win percentage.
#hive internal market is the best place to maximize your win percentage. Here you have to pay 0 fees also you will get to earn passive income from the stable coin that is HBD.
At this time, Binance exchange is charging the minimum fees, which are 0.1% on one side, and when combined on both sides, it becomes $0.2% as commission, which is certainly high, but in the Hive internal market, there is no such trading fee, instead, you can trade here with 0 fees.
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Earlier, it was believed that there was less liquidity in the internal market, and traders faced difficulties, but now it has improved significantly, and liquidity is always available, which makes trading easier.
There are many Hive users who are always waiting for the Korean pump, and they even have specific liquid Hive set aside for this pump, so that in the event of a pump, some Hive can be sold.
They want that in such a scenario, they should have liquid Hive available for trading, which is very good, and every Hive user should do this. Whenever there is a Hive pump, all liquid Hive should be sold, and after a cooldown, buy back again. By doing this, the number of their Hive coins will keep increasing.
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Anyway, for such traders, the internal market is the best choice, as in the event of a pump, they can convert their Hive into HBD. During the time Hive's price is up, you can stake the amount in #HBD and earn 15% APR, and when Hive's price drops again, you can unlock from HBD and buy Hive coins.
This is the way to increase your Hive quantity and also trade with 0 fees. In addition, there are many other strategies that you can use to increase your Hive quantity through trading, and I will try to share some of them with you.
For crypto trading, three indicators are most commonly used, and their accuracy is very high. Bollinger Band, RSI, and MACD are the three indicators that help a lot in trading.
You can open the Hive chart on Binance on a 4H time frame and use these three indicators to decide when to buy and sell, and also in layers. If the lower band of the Bollinger Band is reached, RSI hits 30, and MACD gives a buying signal, then in this case, come to the internal market and convert 10% of your amount into Hive.
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Similarly, if the BB level goes even lower, buy at the second level and this time buy with 20% of your amount, meaning buy double compared to the first layers. In this way, if it falls further, buy at the third level, and buy triple the amount compared to the first two layers. By doing this, when the market recovers, you will make a huge profit.
And all of this should be done in the Hive internal market. This is a great strategy for trading, with zero fee trading. The point is, analyze using the Binance Hive chart and buy/sell in the Hive internal market, and you will save on trading fees, which will be a big success.
I hope you find this post interesting and I hope you will like it. If you like the post, please leave feedback in the comments section so that the next one will be even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.
Great article!
Could you provide a link to the website you used to access the internal market?
Thanks in advance! š