Hey beautiful peeps !!
How are you all? Happy Ramdan to all of you guys hope you are enjoying your first fast of this ramdan. I am posting my post after iftari.
My first fast of this Ramzan goes very well alhamdulillah I am done with my iftari and I am very happy that i complete my first fast without any hurdle. And i fulfil my fixed goals.
This sunday i am going to make butterfly. Butterfly is sign of Allah creation in ramdan we all reflect, wonder and appreciate the blessings all around us whether it is in nature or natural. Butterfly’s delicate beauty serves as a reminder to be grateful and live in harmony with nature.
As butterfly change from caterpillar to butterfly into the new form same procedure humans feel in ramdan they feel freshness in their soul moreover, ramdan is spiritual transformation in which we forget our past mistakes and try to make good deeds in this month. Ramdan develop Patience in us and make us more stronger and beautiful from both inside and outside just like butterfly.
Here is procedure for making this drawing
I start making this drawing from the outline of butterfly occasionally I used to make butterfly simply with no outline either and little details but to make this butterfly specific as I have seen the picture only internet of this drawing I want to make it look same as the picture I have been taken inspiration from.
In the next step, I made the leaves and tiny flower on the top of drawing in the bud form to make it look attractive and capatative.
Then i pointer all the outline i have been made before.
I start coloring from orange color and this is the most attractive color that i love the most.
I use black and orange color for her wings and other body parts.
Then i color the stem and leaves same into original colors green and brown with my marker colors.
Here i finalize the whole drawing by colring capatative and eye catching flower bud and leaves into yellow and green colors.
Here's another shot 📸
That's all from my side. Thanks for reaching till the end. Do share your feedback in the comment section below.
Stay tuned stay blessed
Allah Hafiz ❤️🥹
Your drawing looks really nice, thanks for walking us through the entire creation process.
Welcome 😊
This is a very colourful and beautiful butterfly drawing, it quite impressive and I love it. Well done
Thanks 👍