Why Is A Complete Medical Check-Up Significant?

in Hive Learners10 hours ago

Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my body. Our health is our Wealth. We can't survive on this planet without taking care of our health. There was a time when there were few ordinary diseases. With Advancement, everything has changed even the germs are more modern. Moreover, germs have learned how to develop resistance against a specific drug. Although our medicines have moved to advanced generations germs are also now most immune. As pollution increases with the increase in human population, we have direct or indirect contact with germs that reside in our environment, but we are still unaware of them. Sometimes, we have germs, but we don't show any specific illness signs. Hence, it is better to keep an eye on our body what is going on.

Medical Check-Up

Normally, we should visit a doctor biannually for a complete medical check-up. It is very significant because there are many diseases. If we make their diagnosis early, we can treat them early, like Cancer, etc. Moreover, complete medical check-up helps us to make a good analysis of our blood. Whether it is a chemical profile or a physical profile, we all feel safe when everything is good and in our vicinity. Our inner hemostasis tells a lot about our health.

It has been years since I've been following a bimanual medical check-up, just like my family. With courtesy of Fatima-Foundation, we arrange a medical camp for them. Including our neighbors, we visit these camps for complete medical check-ups. They offer us many tests for free. Moreover, they arrange lectures that cover many diseases and their prevention. They offer us the following test.

  • Urine Analysis
  • Blood CBC and Chemical Profile Test
  • Fecal Test
  • Skin Test
  • Body General Examination

In these camps, there are trained medical doctors as well as nurse staff that advise people freely about health care. I love to participate in these camps and would like to present myself as a medical sample for analysis by the medical team.

Health is significant, we can't ignore it. If our immunity is good, we may or may not be sick in a specific time interval but we need to be alert. If something is looking wrong, we should be fast for medical check-ups.

Final Thoughts

If we want to survive longer here, then we should not ignore any aspects of our health. If we have never been sick since last year, it doesn't mean we should start ignoring medical check-ups. If we have affordability, then we should for monthly medical check-ups; otherwise, we can visit a clinic at least twice a year. Last year, my cousin was happy because he had never been sick for three years. When we invited him for a medical check-up, his skin had been diagnosed with Carcinoma. Thank God, it was the early diagnosis, and now he is completely healthy. We can't ignore the importance of medical check-ups. We always have a yearly plan for it.

This post is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content Health Check. I hope you have enjoyed my post. Thanks!


  • All Image are by AI
 9 hours ago  

I agree with you, regular checks need to be done