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RE: Dark Circles and Dreams

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Hehe, these are loads of dreams in our eyes which are represented as dark circles 🤭 we dreemers are distinct in each way, we don't sleep to see the dreams we awake late at night to make them true 🤓😎
We love and accept what we are 🍫 no matter if they are dark circles around dreemy eyes or the dreemy eyes beautified with dark circles.
Thanks for making my day Mam 💝


hehehehe that's right!

if all we need to endure for our dreems to become reality are dark circles.... i will accept them gladly! LOL

 3 years ago  

Hehehe. That's not all.
Dark circles are only the shield that is visible to others. There is much more that we accept and embrace with courage. The struggle that is hidden from the world

that's right... hehehe

the dark circles are the visible battle wounds.

the invisible ones are only known to other dreemers hehehe