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RE: How to Overcome Your Fear to Create Beauty

in Hive Learners3 years ago

If bungee jumping is a survival fear I guess Bollywood heroes would relate to this 🥴
A psychologist may agree to overcome the fear by expressing and imagining it. But what if you are frightened of a snake what sort of imagination you will perceive 😂
On the honest side, I have roller coaster phobia and it didn't vanish even after 6 rides 🧐 I left the struggle by saying that I love my phobia. 🤣🤞
By the way, you are much active in this community, explore more stuff Nah 🥴

 3 years ago  

It was nice to meet your phobias, but it's also pleasant to ride with friends with some screaming. A 99.9% probability that your video will be recorded and a 99.9% chance that it will go viral. I'm spending more time on Hive than normal because I'm prioritizing it in my schedule. Thank you for your kind words.

 3 years ago  

I don't want this sort of popularity in which my fear would become embarrassing for me. Seems like you haven't got my point. Anyway, keep growing.