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RE: Who I am

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Well apart from giving you warm hugs let me express my sentiments while reading this hehe I smiled in a way as lover does when he /she finds the moments spent together somewhere in the memories.

I can't stay still

The peeps whose mind is working 24/7 still their hands are having itching to do anything hehe.

but a master of none

You are master in Zoology, pain tolerance, turning the cry into laughter and adjust into any environment aren't these rare skills?

The cato hit and trail paragraph made me laugh I thought might be someone else became victim of your slipper, 😁may be a person from the neighbourhood! LOL

the dish slips out of my hand

Haha Tehseen how you are going to hold the soft heart of someone hahaha I have removed many lines as their were much funny yet confidential 🙃
Love you sweetheart ❤ !LUV

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much for such a nice comment. I am glad to make you happy while reading this article,
"I thought might be someone else became a victim of your slipper, 😁may be a person from the neighbourhood."
No this didn't happen, because slipper is usually thrown to teach a lesson to that cruel girl who doesn't care to make cry to the little creature which can't stay without visiting me(that Cato misses me with her heart❤️)
Love you too my sweetie 🤗🤗🤗