Trying to figure out what one is naturally good at is a hard thing on its own. Although many individuals have already figured it out, some are still trying to figure it out.
Knowing what one is naturally good at is a very great thing in life. Almost everyone wants to be good at something, and some don’t even know what that might be yet.
At first, I found this question tricky. Maybe it is because nobody has ever asked me what I am naturally good at. At some point, I imagine what the expression on my face would have looked like if someone had asked me face-to-face, and I am sure the first thing I would do is scratch my head and draw my beard.
I try to make fun of myself by telling myself that I am naturally good at sleeping. lols.
After a while of continuously asking myself the question, I couldn’t come up with any answer but continued to laugh at the initial answer I gave myself and told myself that I am among the individuals that haven’t figured out what they are naturally good at.
After stressing myself over the question, I took a deep breath and was able to come up with a few things. One of the things that I am naturally good at is the ability to learn things quickly.
I am a quick learner, and I often wonder why it is so easy for me to learn new things while others around me complain about how long it takes them to learn.
Furthermore, another thing I am naturally good at is listening to people when they need someone to talk to. Many of my friends and siblings always praise me for this.
They always talk about how they find comfort in talking to me about things whenever they need someone to talk to because I am a good listener and I always know the right words to say.
In conclusion, knowing what one is naturally good at is a fantastic thing. Although if I hadn’t come across this question, I wouldn’t have known that I am among those who have yet to figure out what they are good at.
Being a good listener is a natural skill as well... Its not something that can be taught but it is something that can be learned. Use it wisely.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Thanks for reading
Yeah, true😊
It a great thing in life👍