in Hive Learners3 years ago
We've got just one life to live with limited opportunities. Knowing and recognizing these opportunities define who we are and who we'll be. If I were to wish for one thing few years ago, maybe I would have wished for opportunity to live a wealthy life. Maybe I would have wished for plenty money or cars or houses and all forms of properties. Power and influence? , may be. As I'm growing and evolving, my desires keep changing.

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Having experienced life, One thing I'll love to wish for among many other things for everyone is

to know how to become who we were made to be.

I know I was made to great but knowing precisely what's expected of me daily will make life easier. I believe every good thing in life happens not by chance but according to planned purpose and having a 100% blue print of how it should be will settle it all. I'm sure I'm expressing many people's wish.

Y am I making this wish


Life will be fun If I have well stated expectations. If I know what I'm meant to do per time. My head will be clear to make decisions easily.


Everyone wants to feel fulfilled and satisfied at the end of their life. My interactions with elderly patients has made me realize those elderly fellow has a form of dissatisfaction and feeling of not being fulfilled. A part of them still feels they didn't do all they were supposed to do. They regret some of their decisions and wish they could go back in time and make some changes.
To my surprise, some were really wealthy with lots of properties and very influential but still had this feeling. Some are even scared of dying because they don't know their fate all because they were not sure to have lived a fulfilled and purposeful life

If there is a way everyone can know who they are meant to be very early in life, then there won't be confusion and life will be straight forward

  • Maybe the world would have been a better place with little or no wickedness in it. There won't be unhealthy competition as everyone will be on their lane.

  • Maybe those who feel they are poor and decided to be thieves and some who kills people for ritual would have waited their turn to be rich if they have certainty of when and how they are destined to be wealthy.

  • Maybe we won't bother ourselves with pursuing academic qualifications that has no bearing on our destinations.

  • Maybe we won't waste time on unnecessary relationships if there is a knowing of people that are programmed to be in our daily lives. We'll know our spouses, wedding date, number of children and everything that pertains to family life.

  • Maybe we won't be so bitter when we loose loved ones if we are aware of when they are supposed to die. We would be prepared and probably be throwing parties in anticipation of their departure rather than doing it when they are gone.


All I'm saying is that I wish everyone can know with all certainty who they are supposed te be and how they are to live their life in full so there won't be any regret at the end of life.

But then, won't life be boring if this is the case, that means we'll probably have no reason to make choices and human being won't be human being again. We'll just be doing like robot.

I'm not really bothered that I don't know all I'm supposed to know as regards what the future holds but I know in part. I'm a spiritual being with some directions through the help of the spirit of God in me.

When I grow old, and ready to pass on, I just want to look back and be peaceful with my self knowing fully well that I've lived a fulfilled life. I hope everyone can have this too.

Thank you for reading.


Yeah... this is an intelligent wish.
When you know who you are meant to be, you would not waste your time in discovering yourself and all that. Just get straight to it.
But then... discovering yourself is also part of living, part of the process. So I guess it is needed as well because you get to learn a couple of things as well.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 3 years ago  

But then... discovering yourself is also part of living, part of the process. So I guess it is needed as well because you get to learn a couple of things as well.

This is actually part of my conclusion.
Life will not be fun without decision making and discovery process.

 3 years ago  

to know how to become who we were made to be

purpose entails. Everyone has their certain responsibility given to each one of us by the universe somehow. And not achieving it leaves a vacuum which may not be filled by no other person and leaves a scar on those who would have been affected positively by its effect.@bbjmed I think I love your wish, man! That is what

 3 years ago  

Thank you for seeing my point of view. Life is imperfect when purpose is not the drive