Respect Your Partner

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements
Respect is due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others

There should be respect amidst couples in their marriages or any relationship, I don't have any experience about marriage but I can say that I have witnessed my parents union. Wives should respect their husband also the husband should respect the wife. Respect goes vice versa in relationships most especially marriage, an adage says 'respect is reciprocal'.

If you love and respect your woman your woman will also love and respect you, some men outside there have this thinking that. Since they are the man of the house they can't respect their wife because they paid for her bride price, they feed her so their mentality is that the woman should always respect them no matter what happen. In every relationship there must be respect and couples should be able to understand themselves.

An incident occur in my area, this two lovely couples who always live peacefully and happily. The wife had a quarrel with the husband younger brother, which turned to a real fight. What actually baffles me about the incident is that, the way the younger brother was talking to this man wife rudely. He just sat down there and didn't say a word, I was kind of vexed that why won't this man support his wife most especially in public.

After some time, he stood up I was actually thinking he was going to fight and stand for his wife. Immediately, this man went straight to find beat and said he was going to beat her. All thanks to people around who held him tight cautioned him, no matter the offense the woman has made I thought of it that she should still respect her.

Women should be take care of as egg and not treated roughly, same as mn. Respect really matters in a relationship because when your husband doesn't respect you in public, I don't think the public can respect your wife. It is the way you are dress that's the way you will be addressed, when you take care of your property very well. The world will also do the same and when you harass your Partner in public, they will also harass her public.

Your partner needs your respect

Thanks for reading 🥰🥰🥰💖
