What are the negative things you have heard about money making while growing up?
- It is very hard to make money
- The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.
- you can never make money if you are from a poor background or surrounded with poor people
- Some are destined to be rich while some are destined to be poor. And it goes on and on, but whatever that maybe, we must have heard negative things about money making, some of us still fell making of money is hard.
I want to share with you two things I changed that really helped me.
- Mindset/Superior belief: This cannot be overemphasized we have all heard about the law of attraction and also the law of cause and effect, you have the way you think and see money, start thinking positively about money, remove all bad thoughts, anything you speak of negatively can never come to you. Your belief system is very important if you want to achieve wealth, what differentiate the rich from the poor is mindset, give a poor and a rich man $10000 for instance and see what both of them will do with the money, all what the poor man will be thinking of is how to spend the money and that is what his mind has been programmed for, but the rich he thinks of how to multiply this money, he looks for investment and risk to take, that's the power of mindset. Believing you are not good enough is the begining of failure. We mostly attract people of the same mindset with us, if you always think and behave like the rich you will always attract rich people and the reverse is the case if you think like the poor. The product of good mindset/superior are;
- Good relationship that will lead you to where you want to be
- makes you valuable ( a pursuit to be valuable wherever you find yourself)
- discipline. A person with a rich mindset will always understand the importance of discipline.
2.Decision Making: This a very important, and it is one of the things that changed my life, over the years I was living an ordinary life, I never sat down to think about wealth and how to achieve it, I was reading books that talks about how to achieve wealth, but I never thought about decision making, so a day came I said to myself enough is enough I am officially making a decision to be wealthy and from that day my life took a new turn, something was activated in my spirit and body,I started seeing opportunities where I never saw it before, decisions of taking risk, overcoming self-doubt, fear of failure. You are never going to get wealthy on your own without making a decision, things might be going well but decision making activates something extraordinary in you.
There are so many things that have also helped you so through your wealth journey, I just shared the ones that has really changed my life.
Feel free to share yours too in the comment box too, I would love to hear yours.
Thank you.