Ever since I joined the blockchain, it has been a steady growth. At some point, it was slow and there were times when I just wanted to quit and do something else. However, I kept pushing.
Things were not always like this for me and I feel that was a good thing. Back when I started, there were many times I made posts that didn’t even get a single cent. So many of them. However as I learned more about the blockchain and how best to navigate, I started focusing on learning the best places for my voice to be heard. And even at that, many of my posts went unanswered.
Thankfully, I didn’t stop. I kept finding my way around until I stumbled on Freewrite, and then later on found my way to Inkwell. And that was when my posts started making some money. This was months after I joined. Like, a lot of months!
Even at that, the money came in trickles at first. By the time they paid out, it was just too meager to do anything of value with it. So, I usually had to save them up till the end of the month, like a sort of salary. The first time I did this, all it amounted to was somewhere around N3500. Which would currently be in the neighborhood of 5-6 HBD.
However, that was long ago and I’ve come so far since then. When I look back at how my early days in the blockchain were, if I was someone who wasn’t determined or willing to keep striving, I would have run off long ago. Although I had my onboarder who was always encouraging me to never give up and keep on striving. I kept at it and after a lot of work, here we are.
I’ve never kept Hive a secret, anyone who knows me personally knows that I’m a hiver. I’ve brought in a few people to join and only one of them is active so far. Every other person either abandoned their accounts when they saw that it wasn’t as easy as they believed it would be. Learning that you could make posts and not get a single cent is something they find hard to understand and work with.
Almost everyone now looks for instant gratification. They want to work now and reap the fruits the next minute. However, that’s not how Hive operates and I let them know from the get-go. They think it’s just about writing, if it was, I would be a billionaire by now. No cap.
However, they come on here and realize that every single person is a writer, duh. So they have to bring a whole lot more to the table. And many of them are not willing to accept that. So, when they realize they’ve not made as much as they expected, they run. Some even begin to plagiarize and spam.
These days, if I’m pitching the idea of Hive to someone, I first of all take them to some random community and the posts there. Many times, there’ll be lots of posts with zero cents on them, I’ll show them all these so they’ll know that it’s possible not to get shi shi from your posts. After that, I take them to the trending page, and show them that it’s also possible to make big bucks from your posts. However, I let them know that the distance between both ends can be long and hard for a lot of people, and you have to be willing to work for it.
Hive is a platform that rewards those who are genuine to it, as long as you keep at it, you’ll surely earn. If you’re doing it at first and get nothing, by the time you start earning, it’ll become second nature to you. While the money will be great, it won’t be your sole motivator anymore.
After showing them this, and letting them know that they have their work cut out for them, I let them decide. Some of them insisted that they could do it, well who was I to stop them? They opened accounts and not long after, they japa’ed. As I said before, only one person is active now and she’s doing okay considering everything else she’s juggling with at the same time.
So, talking about how Hive has blessed me, it is kind of beyond measure. I’ve talked about it a lot about how Hive has affected my physical life, my career, and my style of writing in general. I would love to be a philanthropist and help out those around me, but sadly the economy is not fair to us right now. The cost of living and schooling is pressing my neck and I just have to hold on to every little thing that comes my way. But all in all, I help out wherever I can.
Hive is going places, and I’ll keep talking about it. If people are interested, I’ll happily tell them and let them know that they’re coming here to work and not just to cash out. If you take the time to learn the ropes, you’ll get the hang of it and see that it’s not so difficult to begin with. There’s nothing that gives me more joy than seeing someone I brought in flourishing on the chain. It warms my heart indeed.
I do tell people to think we'll about it before saying they want to you, why I have the challenge of keeping track of them is because of my own school work, and when I am less busy I still try to check up on them.
What will one gain from hiding the fact that a platform like hive exist? Nothing.
So we can only encourage them
We just have to do the little we can in spreading the good news, and then helping out those who show interest. Anyone who's not ready to work for the earn, well, that's for them.
Yes, we get to do our own little best.
Well those that don't appreciate it, it is left for them , cause we can't force them
Yes oo, there is nothing that gives me more joy than seeing someone I brought to Hive succeeding too but some people are not willing to do what it takes. They want to reap where they haven't sown anything and it is not done here.
It hurts me after wasting my time explaining the crook and corners of Hive, yet they won't do anything and even if they do, it won't be long before they run because they feel they cannot continue. Hive rewards the genuine ones, those who are willing to stay and have impact and not those who wants to outsmart the system because they will definitely be caught.
Yeah... it's annoying indeed. Because even the art of explaining takes a lot of time and effort.
As long as you're patient and willing to do the work necessary, you'll get it!
I laughed out loud on reading this part. This is because, if I show you my watsapp discussion with people I have been onboarding, both active and inactive ones, you will see that we are preaching same sermon. I have tasted and see...so this kind of orientation is highly needed prior to registration
And then it finally feels good seeing those you onboarded waxing stronger here..my onboarder is always happy with my growth and so do I to those I brought to hive so far
The thing is, they see your posts and think that's how it is. You keep getting upvotes and they believe that's all it's about. They don't know what you did to get to that point, how you had to grow and build your network. They want to start today and earn tomorrow.
Your Journey is inspirational, We all go through hard times. I went through the same, in the start even after working hard, it wasn't able to make even a single cent, but with the proper guidance, and putting my post in the right community, i have started to make some $ and i am feeling happy about it.
Yeah... it's a good feeling indeed. Because it makes you appreciate it even more.
Amazing write up.
I'm one of the people who saw how hive works to trying to "japa".
It would have been better if it started all low, but starting a bit high and then going to zero brought my energy down... LoL... But I've been encouraged.
Thanks for sharing and shaking this table 😉 ❤️
Yeah... some days are like that. But you've made the right decision to stay on. If you keep on focusing on finding your voice, putting out your best content and also engaging with fellow authors to build relationships, then you'll be there in no time.
Hive is definitely going places but it is sometimes difficult to get people on board especially those who have lost trust in all things internet in this part of the world. That is a serious challenge we are facing in this part of the world.
Well... for those who don't trust, what can you do?
It's not your job to convince them. If you've told them about it and they aren't interested, then let them be. If not, you'll be the first they run to when it doesn't go as expected.
Here I am on your post again😎😅
This reminds me of the time I was about to start Hive, I was told I'd need to write good content and engage with other to get known at least to some extent. I didn't really listen to that I was more concerned about earning like my on boarder, I loved the way he was making his money. Lo and behold, I've got to know that I have to work for it and I'm glad that I haven't given up. It's been months now.
Yeah... you have to work for it. Don't give up.
There's a system and a process in place, learn it and utilize it. Then, the rest would fall in line.
Thank you boss Bruno.
I read through your hive journey but I was so much captured by your humble beginning. Hmmmm yes I think I had a pinch of that experience too.
Your idea in engaging new boarder is quite amazing. I have introduced lots of persons but are inactive today due the reasons you gave.
They think hive is like a Ponzi scheme where you invest now and reap within twenty four hours.
I'm very happy that you couldn't keep the goodness of hive to your self instead it was obvious that everyone around you knows.
A quantum of encouragement has been added to me now from your post and I remain hopeful to read more.
Well done.
Well... I try my best. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and felt inspired.
Hive helped us in various ways in both cases mean financially and non-financially. I also feel good not leaving the Hive Although I took two long breaks from the Hive because of my exam but I am hopeful not to take such kind of break in the upcoming exam.
I onboarded only one and he just disappeared after creating an account. I know he is facing a busy time and it's the reason but I am hopeful that he will come back and will be active.
The main problem is the new user wants the result overnight and it demotivates them very much.
Yeah... they want quick results and that's just not how it works. Simple.
When they learn this, those who can't stand it, run!