There is no manual or formula for parenting, there are some things that will work for some and won't work for others but this does not mean we should not put in our best in grooming our kids.

Some parents will be so strict with their children and the children will turn out to become bad eggs to society while some children will take to the teachings of their strict parents and live a modest life.
A good example was the father of my childhood friend, he flogged him at any slight mistake, there was a time I was passing near their house and I saw this man hitting him with copper wire! There are days he uses horsewhip too and does not even stay at home with them, but he believes whatever the stepmum says whenever he returns in the evening.
The boy got used to the beatings that he doesn't scare him anymore, he became so rugged and I was not surprised when he joined cultism in school, I do not know where he is now or what he became in life cos he is not on social media but I just hope he is still alive and safe cos we were good friends.
I would say poor parenting unleashed the beast in him, it is not every mistake of a child you must flog him for, sometimes let your eyes do the talking, my father only beat me twice, yea I can count it and I remember the two times vividly, the first time was a slap that I can never forget in my life because I saw twinkling stars that day and the second time, I went out from morning and he sent someone to call me when it wanted to start raining but I didn't answer, I played football in the rain and only headed home late in the night, I knew what was waiting for me, so Immediately I got home, I went to hide in my mum's room inside her wardrobe but he still found me after searching other rooms and I received another beating of my life that day. lol

It is good to be strict with children but we should not be too harsh on them to the extent that we start flogging them every day.
As an aspiring father, I would be strict yet loving to my children, I won't tolerate any late night out from them nor will I over-pamper them, I will give them the chance to learn about life but I will keep a close eye on their activities so they don't go astray.
One of the worst mistakes parents can make is to let their children rely so much on them for everything, when they get bullied outside, instead of always going out to fight for them, teach them how to fight for themselves, not only teach them how to spend money, teach them the value of money too and what it takes to earn it so they won't end up misusing your assets.
Teach them how to be independent and how to survive on their own so they can be useful to themselves and you in the future.

Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen
Only Love can heal a broken Heart

Been harsh don't make a child better or the best among the society
This is right.
I have done that already.
Thanks! Each vote counts! 👍
Your friend’s father thinks the best way to train a child is by spanking them all the time and it doesn’t work that way
We have to pamper them at times and scold them at times
some parents are like that. but it really doesn't work that way.
When parents play dominant role, child become used to with it and the fear exist in the child's mind and when they face the outside world, they get bullied easily. I think many children doing mental torture to their children. I know people are not ready to accept it but it's the reality.
you right man
U are right we should leave and give them space for there own decisions they should know about the life by their own until they goes on the wrong path.
I totally agree with you, being overly strict does not equal raising well-behaved children as they eventually get used to the whipping and do their worst, a combination of love and a bit of strictness should work out for parents.
that is it, we humans get used to literally anything, most kids get used to the harsh treatment till a time it doesn't even scare them anymore.
That's basically it, finding some balance between being kind to them, given their age but also being strict enough to prepare them for the real world. For me, I aspire to create a good foundation where they can experience life as it is with little to no filters or biases from my part. I really want them to be able to think for themselves, make their own decisions and experience the consequences of their decisions, good or bad, first hand.
experience is the best teacher