Hardwork pays if you channel your energy in the right thing

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Happy new week to all the hive learners members, may this week favor us!


Talented and being hardworking are two qualities we need to have to be successful in life, possessing one of this is not bad but it can slow you down, having a talent but being lazy to utilize it render the talent useless but someone who is hardworking can still achieve a lot though he will need a lot of time and effort....

I still think hardwork is better than talent though, we have people that have cross so many obstacles to get to where they are through hardwork, they were not talented in that aspect but they gave it their all to become one of the best... As human we tend to get better in whatever we put our heart in....

A good example is christiano ronaldo, his hardwork made him the world best he is today, he went through a lot of training and spend less time to rest to be who he is and there we also have messi, he is a talented footballer but also hardworking, he possess both qualities and that made him one of the best footballer of all time .....


When it comes to me, i would say hardwork does it better for me than talent... I remember the year i was still teaching and my salary was 15 000 naira, i was able to increase my monthly income to 45 000 naira through hardwork, i was a dedicated teacher and made sure the parent loved my service and many want me to take their children private lesson both in the school and also at home....

Literally i have no resting day, not even on sunday!

During the week days, i work from 8 a.m to 5 p.m in the school, i even use the break time period to take lessons, and from 5 :30 pm to 7 p.m, i used that to take the private lessons... I had like 3 private lessons i was doing and it was 3 days in a week, so even on weeekend, i take three lessons, one from 10a.m to 12.pm, then the second one start from 1p.m to 3 p.m and the third start from 5 p.m to 7p.m... To be honest it was exhausting but money must be earned, even i myself i knew i was a workaholic

Even though i was working my ass out but still can't boast of any achievement for the 7 years of teaching, oh well i was hard working but was in the wrong profession and if i was still a teacher, i would still be working from morning till night and still not boast of any achievement because the pay is meagre!

Luckily i found the blockchain and channel my hardwork into it full time and that paid me handsomely! i was able to ten times my salary of when i was a teacher, infact more than that...



There is always a price for everything... And to be successful in your profession, you need to be very hard working and also work smart....

I have had several sleep less night just to keep up with time with the work i am doing, i set alarm at 6:o clock a.m but now i wake up 5 to 10 minutes before the alarm which is because my body system is now used to that particular time so it wakes up by itself lol

I was never a writer! i branch into it because i heard it pays and through hardwork and days of failure, i became better at it.....

I was not born an airdrop hunter, i work hard to become one and it also paid off...

I didn't play any game in my mother's womb, it all started when i was born, played it day and night to become the gamer i am today

Most of the things i am doing and am good at now is all thanks to Hardwork, dedication and humility

Lastly, Hardwork pays but channel your energy in the right place so you won't end up working hard for nothing....


Just call me Burl.

I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

 2 years ago  

I love your perspective on hard work and talent. The truth is that one would fail even if you are talented and do not work hard. Also, working hard and not channeling in the right way could make your effort worthless and useless. So, it's better to work hard in the right area to yield good result in the end.

 2 years ago  

Hard work indeed is great work and like you said channeling it in the right direction is what matters. And just to add, Hard work and working hard are entirely two different things. some only know how to do hard work. but working hard is being diligent in the work your hands find to do.

 2 years ago  

Your last sentence🥺.

You are right guy if you don’t wise up and put in your energy in the right place you might work hard till you die and have nothing to show of it.

 2 years ago  

Lolz 😂🤣 indeed I agree with that point too lolz 😂🤣...

 2 years ago  

Yea that is the case of some people and I actually pity them … working in the sun from morning till night only to make money enough for them to eat and pay bills .. No extra or savings

 2 years ago (edited) 

Well we virtually wrote the same thing lolz but at the end you chose hardwork to talent but a quick one bro...
Why don't you choose both since you are a full time blogger....

You were not a born writer but with deep self discovery, you discovered your inner talent which is part of your identity today and then it makes up your talent...

As you said before, talent without utilization will die and that is when hard work comes in, you have been working hard to achieve goals and targets like hp and tokens, is that not you Making good use of both your talent and working hard???

I am sure this is the best for us full time bloggers, talent is a waste without hardwork, and hardwork is truly something that can stand on its own without talent but not to a full time blogger...

Just how SPL requires hard work, if you don't have the skills to play it, you will play to loose...

Indeed you are on point bro...
Talent goes well with hardwork especially for a blogger like us...
Thank you for sharing 🥰🥰❤️

 2 years ago  

Well we are asked to choose the one that works for us best and for me it is hard work…. Well splinterlands is a game and any one can learn a game but ofcourse some people will definitely know how to play it more than the others.. that can be seen as talent but then it still requires hard work ….

On my way to your post to see your points 🚲🚲

 2 years ago  

Lol 🤣🤣🤣 die hard fan lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣,you are doing well lolz 😂🤣🤣 good job bro lolz

Yay! 🤗
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Many of our youth this days find it really hard to be hardworking and as so doing tend to make it through cheap and dubious means I agree with you though hardworking pays of better and talent is good but a lot of people with talent tend to be lazy

 2 years ago  

And this is why their life still remain stagnant, talent without hard word is a wasted one…. We must be in pursuit of our dreams to be able to fulfil it……

 2 years ago  

I love it when you said, "channel your hardwork to the right place"

Now this is the problem of many, you will see men with family toiling day and night without boosting of a decent 3 square meals

I pray that God will direct each and everyone one of us to the right place

My co wife advicsed me take a teaching job in a school close to me since my husband stopped my previous office job ..I smiled 🤣🤣

Can't go to slavery.lol

Even if i make same salary here in a month as same as teaching...it's far better because I am my own boss here...no Sir or Ma 🤣🤣

 2 years ago  

Honestly teaching job is a good profession but bleh the salary can’t quench our thirst lol, yea it is better to stay at home taking care of the children and your husband than waste time in teaching and getting peanut as salary…

Lol wise nkem

 2 years ago  

Mr Eagle 🦅
Trace back your previous post, you have a pending response 😂😂

All of you guys , the bigger bos who skips my comments sometimes, no peace oo until you do the needful..the likes of vickoly and bos 😎

 2 years ago  

😅😅ah okaiz I wil check, it must have entered when the brain was hot and I probably mark all comment as read but I do check before post pay out 😁

 2 years ago  

When I think of hardwork, I also envision Cristiano Ronaldo, he is the physical epitome of hardwork and that is very obvious for everyone to see. From what you have written about your work routine, it's also obvious that you're a very hardworking person and it's good to see that it's working out very well for you

 2 years ago  

Yea it is indeed working out well for me and I see my routine as a passion now more than hard work… thanks

 2 years ago  

Putting all of your energy in the wrong things won't yield a thing, just like you have experienced with your teaching job.

Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago  

yea it is just a waste of time and time is precious, it seems long but it is very short, imagine few years ago who we used to be compared to now and then compare it to 10 years time

Practice does make perfect, and if it is something you love doing, you will master it faster. You've been gaming since you were little, it is only natural that you earn from it. You are doing well.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

thanks my man

 2 years ago  

Yes, it pays when it is Channel in the right direction.
Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago  

you welcome deb

I can imagine someone channeling everything in the wrong basket and realizing it when a lot of time has already been wasted....only if it's possible for one to know what he or she is made for, it would have been much more easier.

But I guess through hard work and consistency, we can have little awareness.

Thanks fir sharing ❤️☺️

 2 years ago  

this is the case of some people, they work day and night in the sun just to get their daily meal, some do this till their old age that they could no longer work again, what a life, if only they figured out sooner but what will be will be

I also value hard work more than talent, obviously having both is the best option and one can be efficient in their job. But talent without much effort can be of not much use.

One also needs to learn to work smart but the quality of their work will be exceptional if one learns to channel the energy in the right place and put in more hard work in finding ways to work smarter.

 2 years ago  

Lol we literally gave the same example as comment on each other’s post, Ronaldo and Messi and yea Ronaldo hard work pave way for him in the world of soccer…. He is now a living legend