A problem/disease/sickness that will force us to visit the hospital or get us admitted there, May we not have it...

Aside from the prayer, we must also learn to protect ourselves by caring for ourselves and maintaining our bodies and health. Those who have a reason to be in the hospital know that drugs and treatment are so expensive and a common man can not afford the treatment of some ailment.
One of the reasons why people do self-medication is because they cannot afford hospital bills while experience makes some people self-medicate.
One of the most common sicknesses that we battle in Nigeria is Malaria and Typhoid... Malaria is due by mosquitoes while Typhoid is caused by bad water and contaminated food. I have treated both so many times in my new area.
The first time I got sick, I thought it was just the normal hot temperature and headache and I took paracetamol but when it didn't relieve me, I went to the pharmacy to get malaria drugs which were not prescribed to me by any professional, I just assume on my own that it was malaria that is causing those symptoms, I used those drugs for a while and the headache and hot temperature left only to start again few days later and I keep taking my self medicated drugs until it got worse and I was bedridden...
I had to call a nurse to come and treat me at home but the nurse acted like a quack too as she did not run a test on me before she hit me with a lot of drips and injections, looks like my village people came in the form of the nurse because how could a nurse complete all drips and injections for a patient within 3 hours... Is not that overdose? well, that was what she did and she charged me 20k Naira.

I felt better the next day and It looked like I was healing but after 3 days, the symptoms returned and I feared what was wrong with me, so I decided to run a test and the result showed that I was suffering from typhoid! so what the hell did that nurse do? probably she only gave me treatment for malaria.
I did not plan to waste any more money on drugs or nurses, so I called on @quduus1 to help me buy herbs from his area which he brought to me a few days later that was what I used and guess what? within 3 days of using the herbs, I felt so much better and that was how I cured the terrible illness with herbs that were not up to 1000 Naira.
Few months later, I had the same symptom and without wasting time, I called my sure plug again to help me bring the herbs now I have discovered a place where they sell herbs in my new area so Whenever I feel somehow or ill, I go there directly to get malaria and typhoid Herbs which cost me 200 Naira, by the time i drink this for 3 days, I will be fine! it is cheap and affordable unlike the 20k that one will pay to nurses.

Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Same thing here in the Philippines. Medicines are quite expensive and in some instances instead of curing the disease at just one take, people nowadays become more dependent. Medicines nowadays are addictive and habit-forming.
yes you are right about this medicine getting addictive, those manufacturing it do not want us to get better fast so they can sell their drugs
Sending love and curation Ecency vote. keep giving the best♥️
I can understand why people practice self-medication and it may be effective in many cases but each time luck will not be on our side and in that case, the loss and suffering can be huge. After all, we are not experts in that field.
you are right too, i only self medicate on symptoms that i am familiar with, which means i must have experience it before
Not only in Nigeria but Africa at large the most common diseases are malaria and typhoid, which with prolonged experience can easily be treated by self medication, it takes time but after a while you will realize that often falling sick of these illnesses you can always know the common symptoms and necessary respective treatments required. Only and only when has the self-treatment I have administered failed do I seek professional medical expert attention. In other words as you have said hospital bills are usually expensive for example in my country, Uganda, Africa just going to the hospital with common flu the doctor may want to put you on drip medication which is costly since he wants to make sufficient profit from you.
yes, there was a time when someone close to me wanted to treat something and instead of the doctor prescribing a drug, he suggested injection that was very costly that she had to ask him if there was no drugs for the ailment and that was when he prescribed drugs
A lot of people cannot afford to buy drugs talk less of going to the hospital and the government hospitals ain’t helping either
My health is insured but imagine it was not, I may not even afford such bills too
My aunt treated malaria for three days and was admitted into the hospital
She was charged over a hundred thousand naira and that’s a lot of money
I just pray that any sickness that will pass usage of drug, may we not have it
imagine 100k to treat malaria
You said your health is insured? how👀
Some of the medicines we take, whether with prescription or not, isn't good for the body. Nature heals anytime,any day.
It was evident the quack nurse was after the money lol 😄
nature as in herbs?
that was my first ever mistake of hiring a nurse to treat me, aside collecting money, she almost took my life with her unprofessional treatment
I am just like you ooh
If I’m not feeling too well, I just take herbs and I’m good to go