Bribery and Corruption as we know it has been in existence for quite some time now, especially if you live in a country like mine where your success in life is determined by the people you know, the connections you have and the many palms you can grease with cash.
Unfortunately, this disease known as corruption is not only in the government but has spread to everywhere you can think of, our workplace, schools, even the streets where most people do their day to day business, it’s everywhere. Although today, we will be focusing more on bribery and corruption in higher institutions.
A lot of people have no idea how deep corruption has gotten into our educational system and this is probably because they’re not in the system themselves. It’s just the same with the government, we think we know about all of their shady deals but the moment we know about the inner happenings in there, we will be too shocked that we might not say a word until we leave that place and that is why most people ends up joining them because they’ve seen how huge the whole corrupt system is that they feel they’re no match for it and can’t stop it, so they join them instead.
It’s the same thing in the educational system today. We often wonder how a lot of dummies who aren’t smart enough to be called high school graduates ends up with a first class degree in a noble discipline like engineering and the likes, well that is because lecturers no longer teach like they used to and then when it’s time for exams and the student fails this exams because they obviously didn’t read or maybe because there was nothing to read (which I doubt because there are always textbooks to read) they end up going to bribe this lecturers in other for them to pass their course.
Some lecturers had even taken it a step further and now requests for sex to pass this students, commonly known as sex for grade. Female students are usually the ones who face this kind of things and are forced to sleep with a lecturer old enough to be their father. Only a few of them had been bold enough to speak up and even more few of them are believed and gets justice.
For me, I feel the way to solve this particular problem is to install hidden security camera’s in classes and offices of the lecturers but then we all know that they can start avoiding the camera’s and taking their business outside of their offices the moment they find out that they’re being watched. So the best option would be for whoever is in charge of punishing lecturers found guilty has to be more strict with his or her punishment, that way, hopefully these lecturers will think twice before committing any offense.
These lecturers just do not care about the welfare of their students only about what they stand to gain. There is no appropriate body in charge that will curtail such actions and I hope that one will be established very soon.
Thank you for sharing this with us.