The thing about heroic acts is that when we think of it, the first thought that comes to our minds is people with supernatural powers just like we see in the movies but then we know those things are not real. There are no humans with the power of flight or with the ability to shoot lightening from their hands, all of that is just fiction.
The real heroes in our lives are people with kind hearts, people who are willing to go the extra mile for another person, be it a stranger or a close friend. Unfortunately in our world of today, we see less and less of those people as the day go by. It’s almost as if the evil in the world is slowly consuming all of the people with good hearts.
Or at least that was what I thought until some few days ago when I went on the news snd read about an heroic act that a Good Samaritan had done without even thinking about his own safety. The man had endangered his own life in a bid to save hundreds of men, women and children.
It says on the news that the man had jumped into a burning fuel truck that was threatening to explode any minute and had driven it to an open field, far away from the houses of people in other to avoid anyone getting burnt or injured if an explosion happened.
I watched the video of the burning truck as the man drove it away and the one question that was in my mind was that what if the truck had exploded with him in it? He would have lost his life while trying to save people he probably didn’t even know personally.
The community has later celebrated him and his heroic act had gone on the news. People like that deserve a medal or anything good to remind the people that people who do good are alive and will be well appreciated .
This is my entry to the hive learners contest, to participate, follow this link
This man went really viral, taking social media by storm. There are still great people in this world, and that makes it worth fighting for.
Thank you for sharing this with us.