I was watching a podcast video where the guest King Bach, a Canadian-American Internet personality was talking about how we have to be selfish because everyone else is and that just kind of juggled my memory back to one time when a friend I was relying on failed me.
The term selfish isn’t referring to being greedy and insensitive to other people, it simply just means that you have to learn to put yourself first because that’s what most people would do and I’m saying this from experience.
About few months after I graduated, it turned out I needed some extra cash to clear out some of my school debts so that I could properly be done with my clearance and that was when I went to a friend to ask for a loan.
This friend of mine is someone who I had gone the extra mile for in the past. Someone that I sometimes put his needs ahead of mine because to me, I believe a true friend should be ready to do this things for another friend. You see I don’t use the “friend” word likely until I’m sure that you’re indeed a good friend and that was what I thought this person was until that day.
The money for the clearance was an emergency because I was trying to clear out my debts in other to avoid it getting to late payment which automatically would mean that I would have to pay extra than the initial price once it get to that.
I had told him that I was expecting some cash the upper week but then it would be too late by then for me and I only needed a loan that I would pay back.
My friend had looked me in the eyes and swore that he had no cash on him. Of course I believed him and wasn’t upset because I felt he had no reason to lie to me, because he was my friend. Fast forward to a week later, it was his birthday and that was when I knew that the person I call my friend is the kind of person who only thinks of himself first.
He threw a birthday party that I later found out cost three times the amount I had been begging him for. I got upset for a while but then I got over it but not without learning something new.
I have to be selfish and put myself first because everyone else would.
We’re still friends, but now I know better.
Eeyah... such is life. People are always looking out for their interests alone, man's basic instinct.
Thank you for sharing this with us.