HLC: Worst Reasons

in Hive Learners7 months ago (edited)


Relationship is a beautiful thing to have and it's a fundamental aspect of human life, encircling connections with friends, loved ones, and family members.

Relationships enrich our lives in numerous ways, making them a beautiful and essential part of the human experience but for every beautiful relationship, there have been quite a series of conflicts to make it golden.

I have had different kinds of relationships with individuals and left so many due to the reasons best known to me. Some relationships don't add to my values as a person, some exert too much of my energy, some show me reasons why I shouldn't be there, some relationships show me, love, and some show me kindness and a mirror of who I am.


Some relationships revealed areas of my life that I need to balance and areas that I need to heal from past experiences. At the same time, I am very skeptical about who's my friend, letting so many people around me disrupt my energy and I carefully pick out friends to relate with.


What's a relationship?


I will define a relationship as an intimate connection or tie between two or more people that involves genuine open interactions, deep emotional connections, shared beliefs, and mutual responsibilities for each other.

There are other forms of relationships like personal, professional, romantic, platonic, familial, and social relationships. I'm sure everyone falls into this category of relationships because my life centers around it. In every form of relationship, I love to maintain the theme and not cross the boundaries of such a relationship.


One of my annoying experiences is when people divert from a professional relationship to a personal relationship and that freaks me out. Of course, I am not placing so many blocks on it but I love things to naturally and fluently flow. I love it genuine, trust me I can perceive someone who isn't real and can pick up auras and some sneaky vibes. I don't know how I do that but it's a huge part of me and has helped me keep negative people away from me but when warning about a particular person comes, I see it through dreams. Jokes apart!



Tell us about the worst reason you or someone you know had to let go of a person. It could be a close friend, a romantic partner,, or even a family member.


This drives me down to an ex-romantic relationship and I know your ears are itching to hear most of it. Don't skim!!... Read carefully! I had a relationship with a friend whom I met during my program and it started as a friendship four months into our friendship we had an agreement to be in a romantic relationship. First, it looked all perfect like we were meant to be even to the extent people could notice when I was walking without him.

I was glowing differently cause I was in love and we enjoyed our time together but at the same time, I don't venture into a relationship only with my heart because my heart will always let me down. I noticed some of his behaviors whenever we didn't agree on certain terms but that was after I dreamt about him. (don't be silly lol..just listen!)


Now, the reality was that the dream tallied with his behavior but I waved it away with the decision of my heart, not my head.

He apologized and we continued with the relationship. Everything was going swiftly until another thing happened, it was obvious he didn't want me to pass my exams with the shades of attitude and actions he was putting up and by this time I had another dream about him but I was trashing it immediately as I woke up.

Anyway, I did my exams and passed with flying colors and the relationship continued! By then we were a year and a half into our relationship and I could see some attitude that wasn't working well for me but I didn't complain then something led to something and he threatened me with a blackmail. I was laughing so hard that he was wondering whether or not his threat was affecting me cause I had raw evidence of it. That's the height of it!


He apologized because he wanted the relationship but I already left mentally, with time I began seeing things in light. He was very manipulative, good at gaslighting, narcissistic and to top it all a high leveled controller. Situations repeated themselves intervally even dreams and I knew it was God telling me that this is not someone that needs to be in your life.

But the mind wants to go for it and even with so many trials and revelations...it's still the same! The last dream I had was even more disastrous and trembling and I don't want that in my future! I had to let go for life!



Why did the person have to be let go? Do you think the relationship could have been salvaged?




He has to go because he doesn't fit in my values, he has to go because he messes with my mental health, he has to go because he takes out too much of my energy without reciprocating, he has to go because I can't find him in the future with me and lastly he has to go because the Creator knows better than me.

I don't think the relationship could have been salvaged at all! This has something to do with my future and he's not a part of it! I treat my life more spiritually and I don't take reoccurrences like that for granted because I know very well that I would heavily pay for it.


I have had warnings somewhat like this but I didn't take heed to it till I paid for disobedience. No wonder the Bible says

Obedience is better than sacrifice!
I am not interested in paying a sacrifice for someone who isn't worth it because if he was worth it, I don't think I would have revelations about him.

It's very important to not let fleshly desires overwhelm what God has in store for you!
Remember that Obedience is better than Sacrifice.


This is a response to the #hivelearners word of the week episode two - #hl-exclusive & #hl-w126e2






 7 months ago  

Good riddance! 😅 Looks like you're a very logical and highly spiritual person, considering how you were able to carefully handle the situation without letting your emotions get the best of you. It's good that the relationship ended the way it did and you didn't try to salvage it, there's no point salvaging a ship that's obviously heading to destruction 😅

 7 months ago  

At a point, I introduce my head to the relationship because I needed it to do some calculations for me😄

And yes!..I treat my life in a more spiritual way than scientific perspective! I think that's my flow!

Good to see you kushyzee...it's been a long time!

 7 months ago  

Good to see you too cescajove 😊