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RE: History Is Not Needed...

in Hive Learners3 months ago

These are the issues. The single-sided stories. I have issues with how these stories are said. We only get one point of view, and that one is exactly what they want us to know. It's similar to how we tell tales as individuals as it pleases us. And that's where the wrong is.

I might not be cut out for the subject that is history, but I can not erode its place and 'however minute' importance. We care about health histories and family histories, amongst others, why not the history of us as a people(our cultures, our government). So many things that we know now are because someone told a story(history).

It should not be compulsory though, but it should be taught.


Yeah... if only they will tell us the real history as it did happen. But no, they'll tell their versions of stories.