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RE: The Illusion Of Perfect Money

in Hive Learners2 years ago

It's how easily we give up our loaf of bread for someone else's seemingly well-packaged half bread(sorry I am using bread in this context) that irks me.
It's so easy to look at other person's and feel like we're at the same spot we were last year, meanwhile, we progress daily.

I believe in working at one's pace and making it quietly. It's all about contentment and gratitude tho.

 2 years ago  

We're in the internet and we're easily carried away by the things we see and perceive. We're mostly likely to tap into the news we hear at all time and let it influence the things we know.

(sorry I am using bread in this context)

By all means, please. I think you're trying to convey a very good point and that has actually sold the narrative.

Thanks for coming through.