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RE: My Creative Sunday Through Plumbering Works

in Hive Learners2 years ago

See how the list of equipments used is so long.
My dad is also good at plumbing so I am conversant with the items used(not their names). I tried learning once but it did not work. It's a very good skill because every construction needs plumbing. Great job. Well-done!

 2 years ago  

That is usual of plumbers, the list is endless,get boring listing them out to clients most times,but they are very important in getting water down to your building

 2 years ago  

I understand. You guys do a great job by the way. Greetings!

 2 years ago  

Thanks, hows bene your day

 2 years ago  

It's been going well. Thank you!
How has your day been?

 2 years ago  

Good to hear that, my day has been good too