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RE: Perspective Makes All the Difference || Teaching Physics

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Found it very challenging until after high school when my big bro taught me. Heck! Right now?!
It's all easy-peasy. The very subject that came to mind when I saw this selection is Physics. It's very much exciting.
You made a good choice.
Nice writing too.

 2 years ago  

I wish I had your big-bro much earlier. I might have started doing well in it earlier on.

I'm curious, what do you study in school now?

Thank you for your kind words.

 2 years ago  

At least, you are good in it now.

I'm curious, what do you study in school now?

Medical laboratory technology.

 2 years ago  

Oh, nice. Med lab. I don't have much idea on that. How many years is it?