Last week Friday, at school, we held our EDC class. Our instructor gave us this project to do. It's a kind whereby we scanned a code on his system, got access to some online training which we were to register, watch videos, get through the program, get our certificates and then send them all to him. It was an annoying project. One that i found no connection to it and our discipline. Or maybe there is. It's something about business.
That's not the point anyway.
The annoying thing about that project was that he expected that we would send our certificates of completion to him by noon on Sunday. Ordinarily, just answering a series of questions and filling forms should be no problem.
That project, or plan or proposal or whatever, consists of twelve courses, with each course having about nine videos. All the videos for one course had the total runtime of 17 hours. So 17 multiplied by 12 courses, do the math. How did he expect us to do that?
Long story short, some of my coursemates found a way to go about the videos such that we skipped each video to the end. To just answer the questions after each course, we copied the questions and pasted them for AI to give answers.
And boy, these questions were all very long and not-so-easy, and there were over twenty of them per course. Heck, I was all about answering the questions myself-from my head - until it dawned on me that at my pace, it could take me days to finish.
I've never been a fan of using AI. I just don't like to use it. I prefer to do my research and do the work, and gain all of the background knowledge. But that day, I knew that there was no way that I was wasting my data watching those videos or putting myself through the torture of answering the questions, so I used AI. It's funny how it still took me over three hours to get done with everything. Now imagine that I had to do it myself.
My point is...
AI is helpful. We're very fortunate to have Google and other search engines and so much information with ease and for little to no cost. Cause, while in short time, it helped me get through my work, on the flip side, if you asked me any question at all from the over hundred questions I took on that course, I'm not sure I would get any correctly.
I see a lot of persons(students) use AI and consult the internet to do assignments, get answers, and even take tests. Oh, it's so normal nowadays. And after that moment is passed, rarely does any one of them recall anything from the session.
We're intelligent beings, but knowledge... knowledge is gotten from feeding that intelligence. And I dare say that if we love by this means of using AI and all of those, then we're not near knowledgeable. We can only be if we feed our ignorance.
Easy access to knowledge is a blessing but the problem lies in that, often times, we fail to look further than what we get, rather, we rely with the instant gratification that we gain in that moment. And so, maybe we every information at our fingertips, but if we only rely on that particular piece of information that we need, rather than make further research and studies and learn the basics and applications and everything in-between on that subject matter to broaden our appeal in a way such that it's not merely 'copy and paste' but assimilating, then we can never compare ourselves to our forefathers and we can't be termed as knowledgeable.
Thanks for gracing this post.