in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

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Every writer at some point, if not all the time experiences writer's block. In fact, most writers complain a lot about how writer's block has affected their writing proficiency, idea creation and its many side effects.
Writer's block simply refers to anytime you face difficulties in putting down your ideas and putting them together to create magical contents.

In this blog post, I'll be sharing with you ways to deal with writer's block using the flower paradigm concept.

Are you wondering what the flower paradigm means?


According to Charles Owens article on "Steps to better writing", The Flowers Paradigm is a way of writing developed by Dr. Betty S. Flowers, a former professor at the University of Texas English Department. It has since been popularized by Bryan Garner.

In simple terms, the Flowers Paradigm involves breaking down your writing process into the four roles we play when writing, exploring each role one at a time and using them for what they do best.

The Flower Paradigm breaks down the writing process into four voices, namely; The madman, the judge, the architect, and the carpenter.

Firstly, let's explore each role closely in order to understand how they can be used effectively to deal with writer's block.

The Madman:

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The madman role represents that voice when a writer is full of an energetic vibe with overflowing ideas. At this stage, a writer can write for long periods even though sloppily but he is full of ideas and just wants to write and express himself. In fact, at this stage, he can write 10 articles in a few hours and wants to keep going.
Even though the writer seems to be overflowing with ideas and energy, his writing is not in a logical sequence and has no workable pattern. He just has overload of information and ideas.

The Judge:

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The judge role represents that voice that is educated and can identify writing problems, errors and is there to criticize and analyze your every use of words, ideas and patterns.
A perfect example in our world today can be that colleague at work who acts like he knows it all, who is there to criticize and analyze everyone's work but then can't create anything for themselves.


This is the place where every writer struggles to find that perfect or ideal introduction or struggles to give that desired touch while writing. At this point, there is a real struggle between just writing with the flow or paying close attention to details and writing patterns and techniques.

Next, is...

The Architect:

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The architect voice in a writer's head at this stage takes selected chunks of information worth using from the madman's overloaded ideas. It takes these ideas and arranges them in a workable pattern considering various writing techniques.

Just like an architect in the real world, the architect's voice draws out plans, arranges the plans into patterns and cuts off undefined or unwanted ideas.

Finally, we have...

The Carpenter:

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The carpenter's voice on the other hand is the build-it person voice. It takes the large chunks of information and overloaded ideas and put them together into a logical sequence that makes sense. It builds workable patterns and structures to the ideas and writing.

After knowing about these four voices and their roles, what's next?

The truth is that the difference between world-class writers and struggling writers is that world-class writers have overtime become friends with these voices in their hand, they have mastered how to channel each ones role properly and use them for what they do best. While struggling writers, on the other hand, give in to their judge voice and give up without making any attempt to understand how these voices work and how they can be channeled to his benefit.
Each voices when carefully understood and practiced has proven to deal with writer's block and greatly improve writing processes.

So, what's your choice? Do you want to embrace these voices or keep struggling with writer's block?

In conclusion, understand that writer's block is in your head and you can become it's master by becoming friends with these voices.

My Shout Out goes to my amazing kibo tutor for communication for success, Mrs. Oumaima E. and her amazing team for giving us world class lectures.

Also, my appreciation goes to Mrs. Ope, Keno, Robb, Mr. Seun, My amazing mentor Mrs. Oyin and the entire kibo team.

Till next week, Much love❤️


I am @chosenfingers, a young Nigerian studying Mechatronics Engineering, your favourite blogger, content writer, love doctor 🤗 and friend. My main purpose here on Hive is to impact as many as possible with the right knowledge through mind-blowing, educational content. I hope my blog reaches people far and near.

Please don't forget to share on any platform and reblog. Much love😍

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