Hello Hive learners, Welcome to my blog.
What would it be like if social media was added as a course that was studied in our high schools? Whereby there would be teachers dedicated to teaching students all they need to know about social media, the dangers it poses, and the possible effect it would have on their mental state. Would this be a good idea? What could be the downsides to such a plan?”
It is often said that when the purpose of a thing isn't known, abuse is inevitable. I must congratulate the moderators of this community for holding things together and for this wonderful initiative.
Social media, as the name implies, means a medium of communication and socializing with people from all over the world, while social media has different meanings to a lot of different people. For some, it is where they find expression doing the things they love, and for some others, they are just there for the purpose of just staying in touch with loved ones.
There are a lot of social media communities out there these days, and a lot of people have thrown caution to the wind, especially when it comes to the online space, all in the name of fame and making money, and in a bid to do this, many take to posting different sorts of things ranging from videos to pictures and lots more.
This has made it paramount for the use of social media to be properly thought out, and I feel there isn't any better place to do it than in our schools.
The truth is the internet doesn't lie and has a way of always keeping information and records in view. In light of this, it is important for our educational institutions to include social media etiquette in the learning curriculum.
A lot of young people have been able to make a name for themselves positively or negatively using various social media platforms, and I believe this has been done on the common ground of fame gaining popularity and influence.
Imagine a person who is a professional in their field but has no right positioning on their social media page; with the right information, such a person can set up their social media page and be able to land the job of their dreams, but only when they have the right information.
I once heard a story of a guy who had an account with one of the banking organizations in my country, and while he was still in the university, he had an issue with his account and then took to his social media page to drag that bank, creating a bad image of them, and years later went to that same bank to apply for a job. Surprisingly, he passed their interview and also met the requirements for getting the job, but while the interview was going on, the interviewers checked out his social media page and found that there was a time he dragged the bank on social media, and that was the only reason he lost the job.
Situations like this can be avoided if he has the right information on how to carry out such a grudge, and what better place could someone get such kind of information if not in the educational institutions?
If social media is added into the educational curriculum, individuals, organizations, and other business entities, both formal and informal, will know how to position themselves in order to reach their target audience and grow their business because there are so many untapped resources in the online space, and the right knowledge can make people achieve their desired results, goals, and objectives.
Thank you for stopping by.
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I completely agree that teaching responsible social media usage in schools can bring many benefits, both for students' professional lives and well-being
yeah students and professionals can learn to setup their social media pages to attract the right kind of people
Social media education would have saved the guy by letting him use the right channels to achieve his goal.
But then, he should have also remembered his ordeal with the bank and at least deleted the tweets. Well, had I known always come last.
had I known always come last.
to avoid had i known social media education needs to be though to enable people post the right kind of things especially those who have plans of working with corporate organizationso