Hello hive learners today i would love to talk about a quality i think we all should have as humans which is necessary for our goals and journey or whatever we choose to pursue in our life on planet earth. Lets dive into it.
Having patience is one of the hardest but most qualities to maintain in our lives. Unfortunately, waiting and avoiding impulse decisions in order to get a better outcome is difficult for humans. Amidst a world filled with instant gratification, struggling with delayed results requires compelling motivation and sound mind tricks to overcome the temptation of taking shortcuts. But when we do wait patiently, we reap rewards in terms of improved choices and successful outcomes that would not have be achieved otherwise.
Ever since the beginning of our world everything required patience the world didn't just appear just like that it required a patiance process to turn out as beautiful as we see it so why does we humans like the characteristics of being patient i Have thinking about it is it maybe because our lifespan is short that's why we wont everything fast and quick hmm what is your thoughts on that. and how can we develop or should o say obtain this wonderful characteristics for ourselves as the word says a patient dog eats the fatest bone.
Everything takes time to achieve we all know that so why don't you get your minds of the end goal or result and push through the process of our journey and when we arrive at our destination we throughly enjoy our sweat and our reward with being patient we can achieve whatever we still our mind upon. Don't take this characteristic to lightly it is important we all develop this characteristic as it will improve and change our mindset of how we view things for the better. what do you think of this leave your thoughts?