My Course Study

in Hive Learners3 years ago


I'm a student in Federal Polytechnic Nekede and in my HND level, which is almost my final year in school. My course of field is economics, "Economics" first of all let me defined it has a field of study which has an end and scarce means which has an alternative purpose, which can be choice making, wants and your needs etc.
I will say Economics has been my dream right from childhood, and has been my passion and drive not just to make things better for me and my house hold but also to the world at large.
My goal and expectation is to become and Economist why because it can help you acquire your aim and how to help you manage good use of your resources very well, yes most people think that those ones that are studying or are done studying the course (economics) they feel is mostly meant for women, why because its has negative effect on the men which I totally disagree with them on that.
I think Economics has a negative effect and also a positive effect is just for you to know how is been done, Economics as a field and also a subject is a course that can actually benefits me and the world at large, it helps to know when and how I should spend and when I'm not to spend and since I already have this ideology on how things are been done surely there is no way I can spend carelessly, okay let move over to our country just assuming now if I was to be the president of our great country where we are now with this course I'm studying I will try to manage and calculates how things should be properly spent in this country.
I will say is one of the favorable course I can think of even in my next world to come.

 3 years ago  

Economic is a tough subject, I was never good in it.