Staying Hydrated – Adequate Water Intake

in Hive Learnerslast year


Health care is a very important aspect of our lives that should be taken very seriously at all times. But we’ve observed that many people, especially those in the lower class of life across all races, can’t afford proper health care, and they tend to have a lot of issues with maintaining a good status quo of their health.

Many countries offer affordable and sometimes free healthcare, while others don’t. Healthcare is quite an expensive sector to handle as well as expand, as it requires a lot of machinery, funds and professional hands at all times and this being the case, many living in rural areas might not easily get access to these services as a result of several factors like poor road networks, power outages and poor security among many others. Even when free healthcare is available, these factors could still lead to limited access to adequate healthcare services, which leads people to resort to self- prescription treatment, including taking herbal drugs, which in turn, could be disastrous to their health.

In order to reduce the increase in sickness and mortality rates around us, there are several health tips one should observe daily. But I’ll be focusing on one overlooked tip, which is staying hydrated.

Staying hydrated, which can simply be done by taking enough clean and pure water, is among the simplest and most effective health tips anyone can take. But on the other hand, it is one health tip many people tend to ignore, probably because they have no idea of the benefits of staying hydrated, or they just don’t like taking water. An average person is expected to consume 4 litres of water every day in order to actively function in a place with a moderate climate while doing little work.

Let me see an example. Recently, Nigeria has been affected by an ongoing heatwave which hasn’t proven to be fun so far. Imagine the rate of dehydration that is being experienced. Many don’t understand this, but dehydration is so bad that it could even lead to death in a worst-case scenario. Citizens living in the country have survived so far partly cause of their efforts to always keep hydrated, which is definitely double or more of the average daily water intake for an adult, because the heatwave leaves people dehydrated very quickly.

Water intake has a lot of good on the body of every living thing, and I’ll list a few of them below:

• It aids in dissolving minerals and nutrients in the body.

• Intake of water helps in proper circulation of bodily fluids.

• It helps in removal of waste products from the body’s system in the form of urine and perspiration.

• Drinking water helps in regulation of normal body temperature.

• Essential for overall physical performance. You definitely don’t feel alright when thirsty, do you?

All those listed above are among the numerous benefits of taking water. If converted into a daily habit, one can be assured of good quality and better health. Stay hydrated all the time.

 last year  

I always try to drink enough water. It keeps me fit and I look at people who don’t drink water and I am like do you know how important this is. I am glad you shared this. Thank you

Really, I guess we have something in common (drinking water) hehe. Thanks for the comment also.