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in Hive Learners2 years ago

😁I learned some points from you Ma'am!💕 Thank you for your kindness!!!😍. Yes I read it cover to cover Ma'am and I said it po, not to say I memorized or understand it all but to express how I loved God po, to try to know him better, to be like Jesus in so many ways po, to search more about him ❤️ . To be honest that verse of the Bible is what I perfectly memorized the John 3:16-17. But I learned to live what I have learned po. I still commit sins, but knows how to repent and asked for forgiveness po. I know when I should practice what is right or just choose to be kind than to practice what is right. I forgot the verse where I read that Sunday (Saturday before) should be treated as holy day because it is the Sabbath. There are beliefs and rules to be followed there, including it is not good to heal or do anything aside from worshipping God that day po!. But what Jesus did was, He still healed the sick, fed the hungry, why? Because he shows us po that there is no perfect time to show love and kindness po to anyone. Like I don't care if I will be condemned for doing good and express my faith in Jesus in God, because for me He is the only one who needs to be glorified and nobody else. But doing this with humbleness and respect with my words, and by respecting others in words and in action. Like what I did when I encounter the rudeness of the owner of the community for my contest entry. And I believe nobody in this world alive will completely understand the mystery of the Bible in a perfect way, base po on what is perfectly written in words po. But gave us the wisdom to do things out of our conscience, not just of being right. Because Jesus taught us in his actions that love and kindness overruled all the laws if this will not create damaged.

And like what I have said in my response po, Maybe December 25 is not the exact birthdate po, believers doing it as à gratitude and act of love and kindness. Like a miracle that even the enemies gets reconciliation (to some). And you can see almost everyone smile and full of joy, not only because of the gifts, and material things that commonly got po from the givers and exchange gifts. But I believe this is the essence of Christmas to bring peace and joy po. Kindness and gratitude, need not to be written, it should be planted in our hearts and mind. So celebrating Christmas don't need to be written po, but act of gratitude po. Rules are only made by us people, but kindness and love is given to us freely by God po.❤️

 2 years ago (edited) 

You have spoken really well Mz, as followers of Christ we are to share and show love and kindness at every given opportunity and we can also create that opportunity too.

Christmas is a feast made by man, yes, we were told that it is the mass of Christ but then it is something that our master himself did not observe and even his apostles, so why then do we that the gospel was passed down to want to do what was not written?

The Bible told us in 2 John 9 that he that abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the father and the son but he that does not abide in the teachings (doctrine) of Christ has not the father.

You are child that I believe has the grace to understand the words of God and that's why I'm trying my best to explain further to you but please don't think I'm saying we shouldn't be kind or share love, no that's not what I'm saying, I'm only saying that if December 25 is a special day to do all that then how does that portray what the Bible teaches?

We are to love and be kind everyday of our lives until the day we die. Christ said we should do the lord's supper to remember him and what he has done for us, which is what John 3:16-17 said, we are doing the lord's supper to remember his birth, death, burial and resurrection so what's the need for another feast especially when our master never asked us to do so or even showed us an example of such act?

Christmas is a strange feast to the Holy scriptures, we never saw any of it's practices anywhere in the Bible so why should we as Christians partake of it? Like I said, it matters how we worship God, if we do anything as we like then we will get it wrong because like the book of Isaiah 55:9 said, that just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are the ways of God higher than our ways. Please, I'm not sure if I said that passage right, I will check soon.