My First Money- Making Experience.

in Hive Learners3 years ago



Okay, this is one tricky question for me 'coz, normally I'm an avid saver. When money comes to me, it stays; especially when I don't have pressing needs/expenses to take care of at that moment. Don't know if cash you accumulated from saving can be classified as 'money earned'.

Thinking about it now, I don't think I have written on this particular topic before this writing contest came up. I'm glad this came up now, it'll give me a chance to document a very integral part of my life.

If I can remember correctly, the first time I made money was as a Shiller; I promoted undervalued altcoins and got paid in turn. As easy as it might seem, the ride wasn't that rosy. I mean there were the side perks of working and earning from the comfort of your home, and knowing which new gem was worth bagging up for the next bear market and all of that. But there were also downsides, one of which was adulterating your social media account; because the nature of the job demands that you promote not-too-doing-well projects, that have very high chances of dumping in the future, you end up adulterating the authenticity of your account, kinda similar to bot-spamming to me. but hey, I enjoyed the making money ride still, I took measures to see that my main accounts were as authentic as they were before I took the job.

My pay at the time was not too attractive, and came in bits too. It's what I usually use to 'hold body' till I get my monthly allowances. Lol. Most times, it ranged from 20-50 PHR (that's the currency I was paid in at the time).

I'm grateful for everything my first money-making escapade taught me; the job experience, the consistency and the value of team-work, these which I believe, play a vital role in shaping one's mindset towards work related issues.


Wow... thankfully you already know the benefits of saving early in life. That is a discipline that will take you far.
Thank you for sharing this with us.