One thing I hated during my school day was history and I kept wondering how people go to school and come back as a historian because most of our class was always very boring, we sit and they kept reading books to our ears about something that happened thousands of years before I came to earth. I remember when they discussed about Pablo Escobar in school then, it was so interesting that I went back home to do research on him and honestly I wasn't justifying what he did as good but he did something that was extraordinary, just like when he burnt money instead of wood for his daughter to stay warm, I don't think any father currently on earth would do such a thing.
Another thing I learned in history class, that I used as a line of defence when my parents were about to scold me for failing a particular thing was Thomas A. Edison failing 1000 times before he could create the first light bulb ever and I would quote what he said but not the way he said it, I would say it is not a failure, it is a step to success but you know Nigeria parents, I still get some whopping in the ass and sometimes they just laugh it off.
There are many more like that but today I will be talking about any of those even though they were amazing historical events, I will be writing about the history class I enjoyed most and I know most people won't want to agree with me that it history because it more like a prophesy book but considering every event that happened in the book happened trillions of years ago is why I consider it as history and that is the most fascinating historical book ever.
Enough of all the suspense, what I want to talk about is the an event from the Bible and as most of us know, numerous events took place in the Bible but this one always gets to me because certain people use it as a line of attack towards another gender. We all remember the death of Christ Jesus, how he was crucified and everything that was one of the tragic events of the Bible but it has been written to happen so even Jesus himself couldn't change it. The one I would have loved to witness was his resurrection, I would have loved to be the one that saw him first when he resurrected from the dead on the third day, It would be fascinating for me because when I read about it, I try to picture the way Mary Magdalene felt.
Also, women won't always say, they are the first to see Jesus when he resurrected but they forget they are the ones who also gave us the forbidden fruit but I still love them so please don't come for me under the comment section. Let us spread love
I must commend that you did a good job in keeping me focused till the end. Historical events are usually unforgettable and iconic, which makes them to last in our memories. It's intresting that you made mention of the greatest historical events that happened to humans, which was the resurrection of Christ. Mary Magdalene would have felt alot more than she could explain. Thanks for sharing friend, and goodluck in this contest.
You are right, Thanks for coming around