Government owned vs private owned-This is my preference.

in Hive Learners28 days ago

Without thinking twice if I was offered a government job, I would definitely go for it because of its reliability and flexibility and extra bonuses unlike private sectors that would want to suck someones blood for peanuts,I have a friend that works at bank and honestly I used to think that bankers work 9-4 but when I when I became friends with a banker then I knew that most bankers work 9-8 or even more than that, sometimes my friend goes to work on Saturdays and sundays.

Now I’m not even trying to support the government sectors because those set of people are a little delusional with all due respect, from their schools down to their hospitals, nothing and I repeat nothing would ever take me there especially their hospitals, when it comes to government schools, everything about it is always discouraging from how the teachers behave to even how their students behave, the students always look unkept, the students are always the ones to clear and clean the environment, most times the teachers don’t even care about the well being of their student, the students are being sent on errands during school period.

When it also comes to their hospitals, thats even the worse part of the government sector because I have heard, I have seen different stories and I have also experienced their nonchalant attitude, I hear how their nurses maltreat patients and talk to people anyhow. Being a government hospital patients you’re not supposed to pay too much or even pay at all, but in my country it’s different, infact if you don’t have connection with any a big man or have a connection with any of the doctors it would be very hard for one to deliver their babies there.

Let me air my own experience, last three years I had an accident and I was quickly rushed to the government general hospital that wasn’t so far from where the scene occured, on getting there with just my brother and a good samaritan, my brother was in tears and confused..he called for the nurses because the accident was so bad that to the point that I lost a lot of tissues and I could even see my bone, my brother requested for a stretcher and they said it wasn’t available, again he requested for a wheelchair but still not available, my brother became angry, then the nurses started to quarrel him and they were not even trying to help him carry me.

I was just watching this nurses quarreling my brother because of his request, in pains I called my brother and told him that they should just carry me inside the emergency room, on getting there they said my brother should go and pay for card, he should go and buy cotton wool, bandages or else they wouldn’t treat me, my brother didn’t want to leave me all alone, because the rest of my our family were still on their way coming, and finally they came so they went to get all the stuffs, this nurses just took the bandages and wrapped the leg and told us to go to another hospital and that there doctor wasn’t around, after all the stress we had to go to a private hospital.

Honestly, the nurses and the doctors were so nice, the doctor would pray for me any time he wanted to dress the injury, I didn’t know this man from Adams but he would buy me turkey and youghort just to make sure I feel better, and till date I still have some numbers of the nurses I met there because we actually became friends.
Government sectors are good once you know someone that knows someone but if you have your money please go a to private sector especially when it concerns health and education.

All photos were Imagined with Ai


 27 days ago  

Such a bad experience you had in the government hospital. Good a thing you survived and can tell the story.
Truth is that the government is not paying good attention to the quality in it's hospital, they don't care because they don't use it.

 27 days ago  

Exactly and what I figured is most of the doctors there have private hospitals so they don’t really care much about the government ones