In the year 2020, we all heard and saw how the youths were seriously brutalized by the government for speaking out, that event has got to be one of the saddest events that has occurred in my own lifetime, some many other terrible things has occured in the history of Nigeria that are not even pleasant to the ears, talk more of having to witness it. It is of great shame to the government that they could actually send thugs and armies meant for war to go stop a peaceful protest being held by the youths of Nigeria, so many people died, many were injured terribly and so many others are in the prison cell with amount of bail attached, In essence nothing can be done to bring them out.
My country is a country of no man’s land, by that I mean anybody can be betrayed at any given time, many youths have tried their best to speak up, even most of the celebrities joined in that protest, but my question is are they really with youths of Nigeria? Many of them their fathers are the owners of the country, so I only believe that they spoke out just avoid being dragged online by the masses, only one man can’t change this country, our Former president from the south side tried his best then but he was push aside by the Godfathers the next year, what about the late former president from the north who also tried, he was killed. Traveling back in time to me wouldn’t even do anything, this country only needs the mercy of God, and people who are ready to be patriotic, not some old men leading us into destruction day by day.
But then again, what can we do? If I were to travel back to the year 2020, I would only advice my fellow youths to remove the act of protesting from their minds, people were living in so much fear then because of covid 19, that situationship was already enough suffering for the masses, people were being forced to stay at home, without the government providing palliatives, and I say this again, if I was opportuned to go back in time, I would advice them to stay back in their houses, because it is the Joy of every parent to see their daughters and sons alive and well even if there is not enough money or enough food to eat.
May the souls of the departed find rest in the Lord, but to me those souls were wasted by the government, because even after that tragic historical event, nothing has changed, the country gets worser by the day, even the main reason for the protest which was to end SARS, I don’t even know if sars has ended because most of them now wear the Nigerian police uniforms and disguise themselves. I am saying this because just last week two of my friends who were Housing agents git arrested by some people on uniform claiming they were police, mind you, they weren’t even taking to the police but another location and after several hours of interrogation and beating, they were realeased after paying a huge sum of money.
This just brought back so many memories and one have to sit down and think about everything that has happened
Will I change anything from the past, most definitely but I don’t know what to change because the future is what matters the most. Yar adua was still the best President Nigeria has ever produced
Exactly the future is what matters a lot, these old men have so many evil plans, what we need Is just how to go against them or be ahead of them.
Very true but already have plans for that too
That year 2020 was a gruesome one and youths sacrificed their lives for it. Sometimes, I do think, if only there was no protest that time, some of them would still be alive till now.
This is just fact, so many of them lost their lives trying to fight for the country