Hello hivers, welcome back to my back to my blog, I hope you have a great week ahead of you.
Having to make a decision to gain weight is something I would never advice anyone to do, even if people think that you’re not up to age because of your stature, let your body be like that, Our creator knows what would fit us that was why he created us like that, honestly its better to be slim than to gain excess weight or gain weight in the wrong places, that would definitely be a disaster.
I have seen people who say that I dont get respected because of my stature, its better than having to risk your life, because excess cholesterol in the body is dangerous to the human health. Nothing pains me more when I see people buying weight gain products, like in this 21st century when people are trying to look fit and stay healthy.
I have my story to share
Some years back when I was school, I was very slim so my roommates and I decided to buy a weight gain product, what a foolish decision we made, we started drinking it, thinking we were doing ourselves good, but at some point I noticed that everytime we took the syrup we would sleep off almost just immediately, we wouldn’t even think of eating anything, I started gaining weight on my face and stomach. I quickly had to advise my self to stop taking it to avoid “had I known”.
I started taking it because I felt I was too slim and I wanted to gain weight in the right places but my weight gaining process went absolutely wrong, I had to stop it immediately.
I also have also seen many cases like mine and even worse, even some men do take such syrups to help them gain weight, I remember one of neighbour’s son then, he had a normal moderate body but because he felt he was too small and he was the eldest among his six brothers, he started taking pills and different drugs that would help him add weight, instead of the drugs to add weight all over his body, it only added weight to his face and stomach, his stomach became very big, his face looked like he had two egg rolls in his jaw, his jaw became very fat too, the worse part was that he got sick after a while, probably because of the excessive pills he was taking, and he later died.
Thesame people that criticized him because he had a small stature, also criticized him for taking pills to gain weight which actually went wrong.
I would also use this opportunity to advice people out there, if ever you decide to go on a weight gain journey, please do it naturally, there are natural foods that can be eaten that would help you gain weight..because all these drugs that are being sold for the purpose of gaining weight will do more harm than good.
The process of gaining weight also taught me that contentment is key, we are beautiful just the way we are, we are beautifully and wonderfully made by our Creator. Although weight gain isn’t such a bad idea but if you must do please know the right way to go about it.
Never in my life have I heard of weight gain products; well, it's a good thing I guess. Whenever weight gain is discuss, my mind immediately goes to the natural means.
But in the end, you're right. We should learn to accept our body the way it is; if a change is ment to happen, it definitely would.
Well, there are so many different types, even than to people selling organic weight gain too online and yes we should accept our body the way it is,
Thanks for engaging dear✨
Well, we learn everyday.
Have a lovely day hun ✨
I agree with what you say, there are many natural ways to make us gain weight and that's healthy, don't ever because there are insults from other people about our bodies make us buy some drugs to increase our weight this is the wrong way one of the effects what happens is that our bones will be brittle and our bodies will instead be healthy instead of diseased
Nicely said! Thanks for engaging
That's one thing about we humans, we're never satisfied with our body size or shape, meanwhile God created us wonderfully and fearfully.
Just as you've mentioned if we need to loss or add weight, we should avoid drugs and do it the natural way.
Thanks for this piece.