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RE: My Plantain Experience & Hyperkalemia

in Hive Learners • last year

Man, you're becoming a medical doctor slowly. All this science you're explaining 😅

On a more serious note though, it must feel good to enjoy the forbidden fruits (pun intended) every once a while. You've been taking real good care of your health in terms of diet, and I'm positive you'll get real better by end of 2024.

 last year  

To be very honest, I should have aimed at medicine, my life could have been better today, but I totally didn't because of excessive fear and ignorance. It could have done me a lot of good, but the foundation wasn't encouraging.

It's good to enjoy some plantain once in a while, so moderation is key and it makes sense a lot. Good way to use the pun lol.

You've been taking real good care of your health in terms of diet, and I'm positive you'll get real better by end of 2024.

I'm trusting God now, I've played my part already.

 last year  

I am a strong believer of the "everything happens for a reason" saying, and I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised at the reason for everything playing out the way they are in the end.