You did good man. I mostly spend more time on the head myself when I try to sketch. But the problem with my sketches is that I spend so much time and energy sketching the head that it comes out very big, and by the time I’m done with it, I lose motivation or interest to finish the entire sketch because I’m tired. So my sketchbook mostly only has heads inside.😅
I started one sketch of a transformer(the animation) two weeks ago but couldn’t even finish the head. I just remembered of it now.
Oh wow! Hamza, happyfp is here🙈😂😂😂. I like the fact that you draw too. My mom used to tell me “always finish what you start”. I think you should try doing that too.
I would if I could find the book I started the sketch in. Unfortunately, I can’t cos I left it on campus when I was coming home.