Posing by the beach in Seychelles is my idea of a perfect day!

in Hive Learners8 months ago (edited)
I thought a little hard about this topic and what could possibly make my day perfect. A day at the beach in Seychelles, dressed in a jaw dropping bikini, posing with my man is really my idea of a perfect day. I’m tired of being roasted by the sun in Nigeria but in order to be more realistic, I picked out a couple of things based on my reality that can make my day perfect.


Original Image by Minh Pham

Credit Alert

The journey of a perfect day begins with a credit alert
-Didiee 2024-
(Write it down)

Nothing puts me in a good mood real quick as credit alert, good credit alert. This already sets the tone for a perfect day because it means a number of things will be sorted out - bills, debts (if any), actualizing my shopping goals, a lot!
What about that extra boost, that morale that you just have because you have a good amount sitting pretty in your account? The glow, the laughter. So money cuts it for me.

Cancelled Classes

The cancellation of classes marks the beginning of premium joy
-Didiee 2024-
(Write it down)

I don’t know about others but schooling in my own Nigerian university is pretty stressful. It’s like these people don’t know when to stop. Ever since I stepped my feet into final year, all I’ve been doing is run around, attend classes from 8am to 6pm, no break in between.
Therefore it would be a thing of great joy to have all my classes cancelled for one day.
Think about it, first my day started with a credit alert of 60k. Next, my classes got cancelled. Can you not see my day tilting towards perfection?

Whipping up a mouth watering dish

Heartbreak makes you lose appetite but have you tasted my chicken scurry sauce?


As a professional cook, apart from money, nothing takes my mood from 0-100 like cooking. It’s because the outcome is always totally satisfying. The wonderful thing about me is that I’m a giver. I don’t like to eat alone (I don’t mean eating from the same plate). I love to dish a plate of sumptuousness for my friends. Their reviews and joy makes me so happy and like I said, perfection for me comes from satisfaction. So seeing my handwork and the joy it’s bringing to myself and people around me is definitely one of the highlights that makes my day perfect.

Completing my proposed tasks for the day

To plan is human but actualizing your plans, na dey wahala dey come

If there’s something I struggle so much with, it is keeping up with something. It takes a lot of discipline to stay committed to something I have to do (my relationship is not involved😌 I’m committed)
It really gladdens my heart when I’m able to complete all my tasks. It shows I’m progressing, I’m making effort to change my evil ways. So that’s another factor that influences my day.

Making an insightful discovery

I’m a very hungry girl, always hungry for food and knowledge. It gives me so much pleasure to learn something new and insightful from time to time. There was a time I was very intentional about learning a good quote or proverb in a day. I had this book that I’d write them down and learn to recite them daily.
Therefore my day won’t exactly be perfect if I didn’t discover something new… Could be a cool blog, a vendor for something I love, a recipe, a restaurant, a way of doing something, anything.

Resting Properly

Blessed are they that sleep for they shall wake up with refreshed minds and round cheeks
-Didiee 2024-


I cannot overemphasize the role of taking proper rest. The benefits are numerous. Your body gets to recover from the stress of that day and prepares you to function efficiently the next day, your mood is good as you appear at ease rather than stressed, keeps you healthy, makes your mind sharp, etc. There’s really no better way to end a perfect day than resting properly.

In a nutshell, beginning my day with a good credit alert, not having to attend classes, preparing a yummy meal and sharing it with my friends, making an insightful discovery and having a proper rest in my current world is my idea of a perfect day.

This is my entry for the Hive Learners Weekly Featured Contents, Week 121: Edition 01 titled A Perfect Day.

All images unsourced are mine.

Birthday girl in 19 days!


 8 months ago  

Funny you, your point is that money... hahahaha. Seriously, a times one just feel like not doing anything just the way I felt few days back, those lectures can be somehow especially when it's a lecturer that is not so funny.

I ish you wake with a credit alert by morning

 8 months ago  

It's so hard to find funny lecturers in my department. Mostly a bunch of old men and strict women.
This final year is just so exhausting so I'm not always looking forward to classes. But in all, I thank God.

And I didn't wake up to credit alert😭 Let me sleep again. It might happen after I wake up this time☺️