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RE: Money and happiness

in Hive Learners • 8 months ago (edited)

I laughed so hard when I read the opening statement of this post. 😂
I was sort of picturing your facial expression while saying this:

...but make sure you make a lot of it first before saying that nonsense

The issue on money buying love… Well, money can buy love. It is only that it’s a dangerous way of getting love because the possibility of having that person stick by you when things get so bad is quite low because the priority was money, so what happens if you experience a little setback. So people would always want to love and be love for more concrete reasons.

 8 months ago  

Yeah you're right.. But what if you never go broke? Won't that mean the love will be there forever?

 8 months ago  

It means the woman will stick to you for as long as you have money and if you have money forever, she’ll be there. What is not guaranteed is her integrity.

And when they say money can buy love, it means the money you have can make it easy for a woman to want you, to agree to be with you, to show you affection, she may not necessarily love you in the actual sense of it.

So it’s important to Let people love you for you. At the end of the day the relationship is not between money and your partner. It’s between two people. You may never go broke but would your heart be happy to see a woman constantly prioritize her needs or financial gains over you - her partner?
A lot of things are at stake.

But if you don’t mind all these, then you won’t have a problem.