I don’t know who ever believed it could stop the rain, I only just sang it for the fun.
Apparently I was young and gullible 😅. Maybe it was too much Barney shows.
But, the fact remains that humans are insatiable and will always want something else. Th heat will come now and we’ll still be complaining.
This is screaming my name 😂... We're humans after all. But I think what we want is a balance of the two, not too much rain and not to much heat either. But I guess it's too much to ask cause like they say; "This life no balance!"
I wonder what people will talk about for the harmattan season…
Haha! That one is a topic for another day, let the season come first.
Haha…I loved Barney as a kid. He was a role model.
🤭 Indeed he was.
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