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RE: My Reunion With Old Friends

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Reunions are one of the best ways to reconnect and catch up with old mates... Your memories are beautiful and I'm certain it was a day you'd never forget.

I can just imagine how challenging it must've been to contact all your old classmates. It's not easy and most times, some won't cooperate.

Wow, 10 years? That's a long time... It makes me imagine how my life and that of my old mates would be by that time. Would we also see our kids running and giggling around, I'm excited to see what the future will hold.

This was such a great read though, I enjoyed it!

 2 years ago  

Trust me reunions are good, it create room for reconciliation, reigniting friendship, reconnecting and the likes. It amazing although some show up for reunion just to show off.

 2 years ago  

It sure does!
Hehe, yes that's true and I find it off-putting.